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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DM8107, DM385, TVP5158


有人说是DDR的问题,降低DDR的频率也许就好了,是这样吗?  谢谢、



; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=3
; Item #0 'DAC_L1'
; Item #1 'DAC_L3'
; Item #2 'DAC_L2'
: values=2
numid=99,iface=MIXER,name='Right DAC Mux'
; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=3
; Item #0 'DAC_R1'
; Item #1 'DAC_R3'
; Item #2 'DAC_R2'
: values=2
[c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff0000
[m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff5020
[m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfffa040
SysLink version :
SysLink module created on Date:Apr 29 2013 Time:18:57:31
Trace enabled
Trace SetFailureReason enabled
Setting L3 bandwidth regulator for [HDVICP0 ] to [press=[3,3] BW=2000, WM Cycles=4000]
Setting DMM priority for [DUCATI ] to [0] ( 0x4e000624 = 0x08000000 )
Setting DMM priority for [HDVICP0 ] to [2] ( 0x4e000634 = 0x0000000a )
Attached to slave procId 1.
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
inflate returned -3
Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_m3vpss_512M_128M.xem3 on slave procId 1.
Started slave procId 1.
After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
[m3vpss ] ***** SYSTEM : Frequency <ORG> - 200000000, <NEW> - 280000000
[m3vpss ] notify_attach rtnVal 0
[m3vpss ] initProxyServer rtnVal 0
[m3vpss ]
[m3vpss ] *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 560000 Khz ***
[m3vpss ]
[m3vpss ] 44: SYSTEM : System Common Init in progress !!!
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_prfInit() done !
[m3vpss ] 44: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
[m3vpss ] 44: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
[m3vpss ] 1043: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
[m3vpss ] 1051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
[m3vpss ] 1051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
Attached to slave procId 0.
[m3vpss ] 2050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
[m3vpss ] 3050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_m3video_512M_128M.xem3 on slave procId 0.
Started slave procId 0.
After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
[m3video] ***** SYSTEM : Frequency <ORG> - 200000000, <NEW> - 280000000
[m3video] *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 560000 Khz ***
[m3video] 3965: SYSTEM : System Common Init in progress !!!
[m3video] [chenwl]:Utils_prfInit() done !
[m3video] 3965: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
[m3video] 3965: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
[m3vpss ] 4050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
[m3video] 4964: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
[m3video] 4968: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
[m3video] 4968: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ...
DMA: Module install successful, device major num = 251
DRV: Module install successful
DRV: Module built on Apr 29 2013 18:57:54
[c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff0000
[m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff5020
[m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfffa040
[m3vpss ] 5050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
[m3video] 5968: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ...
[m3video] 6051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
[m3vpss ] 6050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
[m3video] [chenwl]:System_ipcAttach() done in System_ipcInit
[m3video] 6051: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP] ...
[m3vpss ] 6051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcAttach() done in System_ipcInit
[m3vpss ] 6051: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP] ...
[m3vpss ] 6051: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VPSS-M3_MSGQ] ...
[m3vpss ] 6052: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VPSS-M3_ACK_MSGQ] ...
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcMsgQInit() done in System_ipcInit
[m3vpss ] 6053: SYSTEM: Notify register to [HOST] line 0, event 15 ...
[m3vpss ] 6053: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VIDEO-M3] line 0, event 15 ...
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcNotifyInit() done in System_ipcInit
[m3vpss ] 6054: SYSTEM: IPC init DONE !!!
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcInit() done !
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_mbxInit() done !
[m3vpss ] 6059: MEM: Shared Region 2: Base = 0xb6400000, Length = 0x09350000 (147 MB)
[m3vpss ] 6059: MEM: Shared Region 1: Base = 0x88000000, Length = 0x05a00000 (90 MB)
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_memInit() done !
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_memClearOnAlloc(TRUE) done !
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_mbxCreate() done !
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:UTILS_assert() done !
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_prfLoadRegister() done !
[m3vpss ] [chenwl]:SystemLink_init() done !
[m3vpss ] 6061: SYSTEM : System Common Init Done !!!
[m3vpss ] 6061: SYSTEM : System VPSS Init in progress !!!
[m3vpss ] === I2C0/2 Clk is active ===
[m3vpss ] PLATFORM: UNKNOWN CPU detected, defaulting to VPS_PLATFORM_CPU_REV_1_0
[m3vpss ] 6080: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_0] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6080: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_0] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6080: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7d4180
[m3vpss ] 6082: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_1] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6082: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_1] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6083: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7d7680
[m3vpss ] 6093: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_19] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6094: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_19] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6094: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7dab80
[m3vpss ] 6096: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_20] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6096: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_20] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6096: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7fa580
[m3vpss ] 6098: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_21] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6098: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_21] in region 0 ...
[m3vpss ] 6099: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf819f80
[m3vpss ] 6100: SYSTEM : HDVPSS Drivers Version: HDVPSS_01_00_01_37
[m3vpss ] 6100: SYSTEM : FVID2 Init in progress !!!
[m3video] Unhandled Exception:
[m3video] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
[m3video] handle: 0x8de9cca4.
[m3vpss ] Unhandled Exception:
[m3vpss ] Exception occurred in ThreadType_HWI
[m3vpss ] handle: 0x0.
[m3video] stack base: 0x2eb42520.
[m3vpss ] stack base: 0x8f32db94.
[m3video] stack size: 0x4000.
[m3vpss ] stack size: 0x4000.
[m3video] R0 = 0x00000000 R8 = 0xffffffff
[m3vpss ] R0 = 0x8ed57b69 R8 = 0x8f32a0b8
[m3video] R1 = 0x00000002 R9 = 0xffffffff
[m3vpss ] R1 = 0x8f32a2cc R9 = 0x00000000
[m3video] R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0xffffffff
[m3vpss ] R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0x000000f8
[m3video] R3 = 0x00000001 R11 = 0xffffffff
[m3vpss ] R3 = 0x00000000 R11 = 0xffffffff
[m3video] R4 = 0x00000001 R12 = 0x00000001
[m3vpss ] R4 = 0x00000000 R12 = 0x2fee8600
[m3video] R5 = 0x8dbcec90 SP(R13) = 0x8dea73e0
[m3vpss ] R5 = 0x00000000 SP(R13) = 0x8f331ae8
[m3video] R6 = 0x00000000 LR(R14) = 0x8dc25363
[m3vpss ] R6 = 0x00000000 LR(R14) = 0x8ed57bcb
[m3video] R7 = 0xffffffff PC(R15) = 0x8dc35032
[m3vpss ] R7 = 0x00000002 PC(R15) = 0xfffffffe
[m3video] PSR = 0x 21000000
[m3vpss ] PSR = 0x21000000
[m3video] ICSR = 0x0440f803
[m3vpss ] ICSR = 0x00400803
[m3video] MMFSR = 0x00
[m3vpss ] MMFSR = 0x01
[m3vpss ] BFSR = 0x00
[m3vpss ] UFSR = 0x0000
[m3vpss ] HFSR = 0x40000000
[m3vpss ] DFSR = 0x00000000
[m3vpss ] MMAR = 0xe000ed34
[m3vpss ] BFAR = 0xe000ed38
[m3vpss ] AFSR = 0x00000000
[m3vpss ] Terminating Execution...

  • 从日志上看,你应该使用的DVR RDK, 是什么版本?是否运行在TI的EVM板?能否提供完整日志?

  • 您好:

    我的DVR RDK的版本是:DM8107_DVR_RDK_v03.00.01.26。不是运行在EVM板上的。下面是完整的log信息,谢谢、

    Starting kernel ...

    Linux version 2.6.37 (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q1-203) ) #296 Fri Jun 27 13:34:03 CST 2014
    CPU: ARMv7 Processor [413fc082] revision 2 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7f
    CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
    Machine: ud8107_dvr
    vram size = 20971520 at 0x0
    ti81xx_reserve: ### Reserved DDR region @87f00000
    reserved size = 20971520 at 0x0
    FB: Reserving 20971520 bytes SDRAM for VRAM
    Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
    OMAP chip is DM385 1.0
    SRAM: Mapped pa 0x402f1000 to va 0xfe400000 size: 0xf000
    Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 27136
    Kernel command line: mem=128M console=ttyO0,115200n8 noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock5 rw rootfstype=jffs2 ip= vram=20M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=0xBFFD0000 i2c_bus=3,400 ddr_mem=512M
    PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
    Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
    Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
    Memory: 106MB 1MB = 107MB total
    Memory: 102864k/102864k available, 28208k reserved, 0K highmem
    Virtual kernel memory layout:
    vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB)
    fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000 ( 896 kB)
    DMA : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000 ( 2 MB)
    vmalloc : 0xc8800000 - 0xf8000000 ( 760 MB)
    lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc8000000 ( 128 MB)
    pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB)
    modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 14 MB)
    .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc003e000 ( 216 kB)
    .text : 0xc003e000 - 0xc04e0000 (4744 kB)
    .data : 0xc04e0000 - 0xc0526300 ( 281 kB)
    SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
    IRQ: Found an INTC at 0xfa200000 (revision 5.0) with 128 interrupts
    Total of 128 interrupts on 1 active controller
    GPMC revision 6.0
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ368
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ369
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ370
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ371
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ372
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ373
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ374
    Trying to install type control for IRQ375
    Trying to set irq flags for IRQ375
    OMAP clockevent source: GPTIMER1 at 20000000 Hz
    Console: colour dummy device 80x30
    Calibrating delay loop... 719.25 BogoMIPS (lpj=3596288)
    pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
    Security Framework initialized
    Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
    CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
    devtmpfs: initialized
    TI81XX: Map 0x87f00000 to 0xfe500000 for dram barrier
    TI81XX: Map 0x40300000 to 0xfe600000 for sram barrier
    omap_voltage_early_init: voltage driver support not added
    chenwl:omap_pm_runtime_init is over!
    regulator: core version 0.5
    regulator: dummy:
    NET: Registered protocol family 16
    omap_voltage_domain_lookup: Voltage driver init not yet happened.Faulting!
    omap_voltage_add_dev: VDD specified does not exist!
    chenwl:omap2_common_pm_init is over!
    chenwl:omap2_gpio_init is over!
    OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
    OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
    OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
    OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
    chenwl:i2c_init is over!
    omap_mux_init: Add partition: #1: core, flags: 4
    3-wired eeprom init done. (H/W ver:ffff)
    _omap_mux_init_gpio: Could not set gpio38
    Debugfs: Only enabling/disabling deep sleep and wakeup timer is supported now
    registered ti81xx_vpss device
    registered ti81xx_vidout device
    registered ti81xx on-chip HDMI device
    registered ti81xx_fb device
    registered ti81xx_vin device
    chenwl:ti81xx_vram_init is over!
    bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
    SCSI subsystem initialized
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
    usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
    usbcore: registered new device driver usb
    USBSS revision 4ea2080b
    registerd cppi-dma Intr @ IRQ 17
    Cppi41 Init Done
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.1: bus 1 rev4.0 at 400 kHz
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.3: bus 3 rev4.0 at 400 kHz
    Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.23.
    Switching to clocksource gp timer
    musb-hdrc: version 6.0, host, debug=0
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: dma type: dma-cppi41
    MUSB controller-0 revision 4ea20800
    usb2phy: computed values rxcalib(15)DACs(33 15 16)
    usb2phy: override computed values rxcalib(15)DACs(33 15 16)
    usb2phy_config: musb(0) rxcalib done, rxcalib read value 6f70df86
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: MUSB HDRC host driver
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
    usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
    usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
    usb usb1: Product: MUSB HDRC host driver
    usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.37 musb-hcd
    usb usb1: SerialNumber: musb-hdrc.0
    hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: USB Host mode controller at c881e000 using DMA, IRQ 18
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: dma type: dma-cppi41
    MUSB controller-1 revision 4ea20800
    usb2phy: computed values rxcalib(15)DACs(35 13 14)
    usb2phy: override computed values rxcalib(15)DACs(35 13 14)
    usb2phy_config: musb(1) rxcalib done, rxcalib read value 6f71db76
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: MUSB HDRC host driver
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
    usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
    usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
    usb usb2: Product: MUSB HDRC host driver
    usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.37 musb-hcd
    usb usb2: SerialNumber: musb-hdrc.1
    hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: USB Host mode controller at c8828800 using DMA, IRQ 19
    NET: Registered protocol family 2
    IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
    TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
    TCP reno registered
    UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    NET: Registered protocol family 1
    RPC: Registered udp transport module.
    RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
    RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
    NetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0.97 (double precision)
    PMU: registered new PMU device of type 0
    omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati registered
    omap-iommu omap-iommu.1: sys registered
    JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) 漏 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
    fuse init (API version 7.15)
    msgmni has been set to 200
    io scheduler noop registered
    io scheduler deadline registered
    io scheduler cfq registered (default)
    Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
    omap_uart.0: ttyO0 at MMIO 0x48020000 (irq = 72) is a OMAP UART0
    console [ttyO0] enabled
    omap_uart.1: ttyO1 at MMIO 0x48022000 (irq = 73) is a OMAP UART1
    omap_uart.2: ttyO2 at MMIO 0x48024000 (irq = 74) is a OMAP UART2
    brd: module loaded
    loop: module loaded
    omap2-nand driver initializing
    ONFI flash detected
    ONFI param page 0 valid
    NAND device: Maf ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xf1 (AMD, NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
    erasesize: 0x20000, writesize: 2048, oobsize: 64
    Creating 8 MTD partitions on "omap2-nand.0":
    0x000000000000-0x000000020000 : "U-Boot-min"
    0x000000020000-0x000000240000 : "U-Boot"
    0x000000240000-0x000000280000 : "U-Boot Env"
    0x000000280000-0x000000580000 : "U-Boot Logo"
    0x000000580000-0x0000009c0000 : "Kernel"
    0x0000009c0000-0x000006dc0000 : "File System"
    0x000006dc0000-0x000007a40000 : "Apps"
    0x000007a40000-0x000008000000 : "Reserved"
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: davinci mdio revision 1.6
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: detected phy mask fffffffc
    davinci_mdio.0: probed
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: phy[0]: device 0:00, driver unknown
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: phy[1]: device 0:01, driver unknown
    Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
    USB Mass Storage support registered.
    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    rtc-ds1307 1-0068: rtc core: registered ds1337 as rtc0
    i2c /dev entries driver
    Linux video capture interface: v2.00
    usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
    USB Video Class driver (v1.0.0)
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
    usbhid: USB HID core driver
    notify_shm_drv: no DSP present (MULTIPROC_INVALIDID)
    notify_init : notify drivercreated for remote proc id 1 at physical Address 0xbffd0000
    usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
    Registered tvp5158 audio codec
    asoc: tvp5158-hifi <-> davinci-mcasp.0 mapping ok
    asoc: tlv320aic3x-hifi <-> davinci-mcasp.1 mapping ok
    asoc: HDMI-DAI-CODEC <-> hdmi-dai mapping ok
    ALSA device list:
    #0: TI81XX_DVR_CARD0
    #1: TI81XX_DVR_CARD1
    TCP cubic registered
    NET: Registered protocol family 17
    Registering the dns_resolver key type
    VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant c rev 3
    omap_voltage_late_init: Voltage driver support not added
    Power Management for TI81XX.
    [chenwl]:ti81xx_pm_init is over!
    Detected MACID=0:17:ea:f8:99:22
    rtc-ds1307 1-0068: setting system clock to 2014-06-27 23:59:57 UTC (1403913597)
    [chenwl]:rtc_hctosys is over!
    [chenwl]:tcp_congestion_default was began!
    [chenwl]:tcp_set_default_congestion_control was began!
    [chenwl]:tcp_set_default_congestion_control is over!
    [chenwl]:ip_auto_config was began!
    [chenwl]:NO return 0!
    [chenwl]:try_try_again was began!

    CPSW phy found : id is : 0x4dd074

    CPSW phy found : id is : 0x4dd074
    IP-Config: Guessing netmask
    IP-Config: Complete:
    device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=,
    host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none),
    bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath=
    [chenwl]:initialize_hashrnd was began!
    PHY: 0:01 - Link is Up - 0/Half
    PHY: 0:01 - Link is Down
    Empty flash at 0x03afc1e8 ends at 0x03afc800
    VFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem) on device 31:5.
    devtmpfs: mounted
    Freeing init memory: 216K
    INIT: version 2.86 booting
    Please wait: booting...
    Error opening /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
    Starting udev
    udevd (78): /proc/78/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/78/oom_score_adj instead.
    Remounting root file system...
    Caching udev devnodes
    Populating dev cache
    ALSA: Restoring mixer settings...
    Configuring network interfaces... done.
    Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
    INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
    Starting system message bus: dbus.
    Starting telnet daemon.
    Starting syslogd/klogd: done
    Starting thttpd.
    start application
    *** Bootargs Validated for mem param ***
    *** Bootargs Validated for notifyk.vpssm3 params ***
    Kernel bootargs validated
    numid=101,iface=MIXER,name='Left DAC Mux'
    ; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=3
    ; Item #0 'DAC_L1'
    ; Item #1 'DAC_L3'
    ; Item #2 'DAC_L2'
    : values=2
    numid=99,iface=MIXER,name='Right DAC Mux'
    ; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=3
    ; Item #0 'DAC_R1'
    ; Item #1 'DAC_R3'
    ; Item #2 'DAC_R2'
    : values=2
    [c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff0000
    [m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff5020
    [m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfffa040
    SysLink version :
    SysLink module created on Date:Apr 29 2013 Time:18:57:31
    Trace enabled
    Trace SetFailureReason enabled
    Setting L3 bandwidth regulator for [HDVICP0 ] to [press=[3,3] BW=2000, WM Cycles=4000]
    Setting DMM priority for [DUCATI ] to [0] ( 0x4e000624 = 0x08000000 )
    Setting DMM priority for [HDVICP0 ] to [2] ( 0x4e000634 = 0x0000000a )
    Attached to slave procId 1.
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    inflate returned -3
    Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_m3vpss_512M_128M.xem3 on slave procId 1.
    Started slave procId 1.
    After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
    [m3vpss ] ***** SYSTEM : Frequency <ORG> - 200000000, <NEW> - 280000000
    [m3vpss ] notify_attach rtnVal 0
    [m3vpss ] initProxyServer rtnVal 0
    [m3vpss ]
    [m3vpss ] *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 560000 Khz ***
    [m3vpss ]
    [m3vpss ] 44: SYSTEM : System Common Init in progress !!!
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_prfInit() done !
    [m3vpss ] 44: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
    [m3vpss ] 44: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
    After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
    [m3vpss ] 1043: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
    [m3vpss ] 1051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
    [m3vpss ] 1051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
    Attached to slave procId 0.
    [m3vpss ] 2050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
    [m3vpss ] 3050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
    Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_m3video_512M_128M.xem3 on slave procId 0.
    Started slave procId 0.
    After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
    [m3video] ***** SYSTEM : Frequency <ORG> - 200000000, <NEW> - 280000000
    [m3video] *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 560000 Khz ***
    [m3video] 3965: SYSTEM : System Common Init in progress !!!
    [m3video] [chenwl]:Utils_prfInit() done !
    [m3video] 3965: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
    [m3video] 3965: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
    [m3vpss ] 4050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
    After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
    [m3video] 4964: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ...
    [m3video] 4968: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
    [m3video] 4968: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ...
    DMA: Module install successful, device major num = 251
    DRV: Module install successful
    DRV: Module built on Apr 29 2013 18:57:54
    [c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff0000
    [m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfff5020
    [m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbfffa040
    [m3vpss ] 5050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
    [m3video] 5968: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ...
    [m3video] 6051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
    [m3vpss ] 6050: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ...
    [m3video] [chenwl]:System_ipcAttach() done in System_ipcInit
    [m3video] 6051: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP] ...
    [m3vpss ] 6051: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcAttach() done in System_ipcInit
    [m3vpss ] 6051: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP] ...
    [m3vpss ] 6051: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VPSS-M3_MSGQ] ...
    [m3vpss ] 6052: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VPSS-M3_ACK_MSGQ] ...
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcMsgQInit() done in System_ipcInit
    [m3vpss ] 6053: SYSTEM: Notify register to [HOST] line 0, event 15 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6053: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VIDEO-M3] line 0, event 15 ...
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcNotifyInit() done in System_ipcInit
    [m3vpss ] 6054: SYSTEM: IPC init DONE !!!
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:System_ipcInit() done !
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_mbxInit() done !
    [m3vpss ] 6059: MEM: Shared Region 2: Base = 0xb6400000, Length = 0x09350000 (147 MB)
    [m3vpss ] 6059: MEM: Shared Region 1: Base = 0x88000000, Length = 0x05a00000 (90 MB)
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_memInit() done !
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_memClearOnAlloc(TRUE) done !
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_mbxCreate() done !
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:UTILS_assert() done !
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:Utils_prfLoadRegister() done !
    [m3vpss ] [chenwl]:SystemLink_init() done !
    [m3vpss ] 6061: SYSTEM : System Common Init Done !!!
    [m3vpss ] 6061: SYSTEM : System VPSS Init in progress !!!
    [m3vpss ] === I2C0/2 Clk is active ===
    [m3vpss ] PLATFORM: UNKNOWN CPU detected, defaulting to VPS_PLATFORM_CPU_REV_1_0
    [m3vpss ] 6080: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_0] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6080: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_0] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6080: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7d4180
    [m3vpss ] 6082: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_1] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6082: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_1] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6083: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7d7680
    [m3vpss ] 6093: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_19] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6094: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_19] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6094: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7dab80
    [m3vpss ] 6096: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_20] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6096: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_20] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6096: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf7fa580
    [m3vpss ] 6098: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_21] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6098: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_21] in region 0 ...
    [m3vpss ] 6099: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf819f80
    [m3vpss ] 6100: SYSTEM : HDVPSS Drivers Version: HDVPSS_01_00_01_37
    [m3vpss ] 6100: SYSTEM : FVID2 Init in progress !!!
    [m3video] Unhandled Exception:
    [m3video] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
    [m3video] handle: 0x8de9cca4.
    [m3vpss ] Unhandled Exception:
    [m3vpss ] Exception occurred in ThreadType_HWI
    [m3vpss ] handle: 0x0.
    [m3video] stack base: 0x2eb42520.
    [m3vpss ] stack base: 0x8f32db94.
    [m3video] stack size: 0x4000.
    [m3vpss ] stack size: 0x4000.
    [m3video] R0 = 0x00000000 R8 = 0xffffffff
    [m3vpss ] R0 = 0x8ed57b69 R8 = 0x8f32a0b8
    [m3video] R1 = 0x00000002 R9 = 0xffffffff
    [m3vpss ] R1 = 0x8f32a2cc R9 = 0x00000000
    [m3video] R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0xffffffff
    [m3vpss ] R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0x000000f8
    [m3video] R3 = 0x00000001 R11 = 0xffffffff
    [m3vpss ] R3 = 0x00000000 R11 = 0xffffffff
    [m3video] R4 = 0x00000001 R12 = 0x00000001
    [m3vpss ] R4 = 0x00000000 R12 = 0x2fee8600
    [m3video] R5 = 0x8dbcec90 SP(R13) = 0x8dea73e0
    [m3vpss ] R5 = 0x00000000 SP(R13) = 0x8f331ae8
    [m3video] R6 = 0x00000000 LR(R14) = 0x8dc25363
    [m3vpss ] R6 = 0x00000000 LR(R14) = 0x8ed57bcb
    [m3video] R7 = 0xffffffff PC(R15) = 0x8dc35032
    [m3vpss ] R7 = 0x00000002 PC(R15) = 0xfffffffe
    [m3video] PSR = 0x 21000000
    [m3vpss ] PSR = 0x21000000
    [m3video] ICSR = 0x0440f803
    [m3vpss ] ICSR = 0x00400803
    [m3video] MMFSR = 0x00
    [m3vpss ] MMFSR = 0x01
    [m3vpss ] BFSR = 0x00
    [m3vpss ] UFSR = 0x0000
    [m3vpss ] HFSR = 0x40000000
    [m3vpss ] DFSR = 0x00000000
    [m3vpss ] MMAR = 0xe000ed34
    [m3vpss ] BFAR = 0xe000ed38
    [m3vpss ] AFSR = 0x00000000
    [m3vpss ] Terminating Execution...


  • 从日志可以看出三个问题:

    1、attach VPSS M3的时候重试了很多次;

    即一大段的:inflate returned -3

    2、[m3vpss ] PLATFORM: UNKNOWN CPU detected, defaulting to VPS_PLATFORM_CPU_REV_1_0


  • 您好:


x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。