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TDA4VM: Intel9260 wifi在TDA4开发板上的速率只有54Mbps

Part Number: TDA4VM

采用官方推荐方案演示的Intel9260 wifi在TDA4 Ai开发板上的频宽只有20MHz,其中hostapd只支持cfg80211g,请问有什么办法可以支持cfg80211n或者频宽增加到40/80MHz?

root@tda4vm-sk:/usr/share/intel9260# iw wlp1s0 info
Interface wlp1s0
	ifindex 7
	wdev 0x1
	addr 00:e1:8c:c9:7f:34
	ssid J7SK-AP_8cc97f
	type AP
	wiphy 0
	channel 11 (2462 MHz), width: 20 MHz, center1: 2462 MHz
	txpower 22.00 dBm
	multicast TXQ:
		qsz-byt	qsz-pkt	flows	drops	marks	overlmt	hashcol	tx-bytes	tx-packets
		0	0	34	0	0	0	0	8974		34

  • 请看下面的e2e工程师的回复。

    Adding ht_capab=[HT40+] like the following in /usr/share/intel9260/hostapd.conf increased bandwidth to 40 MHz:

    ##### IEEE 802.11n related configuration ######################################

    # ieee80211n: Whether IEEE 802.11n (HT) is enabled
    # 0 = disabled (default)
    # 1 = enabled
    # Note: You will also need to enable WMM for full HT functionality.

    And here are some logs:

    root@j7-evm:/usr/share/intel9260# iw wlp1s0 info
    Interface wlp1s0
    ifindex 10
    wdev 0x2
    addr 14:75:5b:54:dd:8d
    ssid J7SK-AP
    type AP
    wiphy 0
    channel 5 (2432 MHz), width: 40 MHz, center1: 2442 MHz
    txpower 22.00 dBm
    multicast TXQ:
    qsz-byt qsz-pkt flows drops marks overlmt hashcol tx-bytes tx-packets
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 看到您已经在和e2e工程师直接沟通了,下面是他的最新回复。

    As a disclaimer, expertise within TI is limited in terms of what Intel provides for their drivers for their chip, so our knowledge will be limited to what can be found on the internet in regards to using hostapd to support 802.11n.

    From a community forum post, I see the following response:


    To have 802.11n mode, in your /etc/hostapd.conf you need the directives:


    So basically, you need support for g mode, with 802.11n extensions, and the ht_capab directive is for enabling support for 40MHz. If your chipset does not support 40MHz bandwidth, comment it out.


    Based on this, it looks like setting ieee80211n=1 should mean that 802.11n is enabled.