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AM5708: GPIO_setCallback()函数

Part Number: AM5708


       现在用AM5708芯片,配置GPIO6_20中断函数,使用void GPIO_setCallback(uint32_t index, GPIO_CallbackFxn callback)函数,请问index是多少呢?怎么对应的呢?


  • 在AM5708芯片中,GPIO6_20对应的index是144。以下示例代码来配置GPIO6_20中断函数并对应callback函数:

    #include <ti/drivers/gpio/GPIO.h>
    void gpioCallbackFxn(uint_least8_t index)
    // Your callback function implementation
    int main()
    GPIO_setCallback(144, gpioCallbackFxn);
    // Other initialization and code
