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我用TI提供的norwriter_evmc6657l 工程
NOR Writer Utility
NOR Writer is a simple utility to program a CCS format image/data file to the NOR flash.
Steps to program the NOR:
1. Be sure to set the boot mode dip switch to no boot/EMIF16 boot mode on the EVM.
2. Copy the binary file to writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin directory, and rename it to app.bin.
3. Change the file_name and start_addr in writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin\norwriter_input.txt if necessary.
By default the NOR writer will load app.bin to DSP memory and write the data to NOR device start byte address 0,
the start_addr should always be set to the start byte addess of a sector.
4. Open CCSv5 and launch the evmc66xx emulator target configuration and connect to core 0.
5. Load the program writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin\norwriter_evm66xxl.out to CCS, be sure evmc66xxl.gel is used in CCS
and DDR is intialized.
6. Open the Memory view (in CCSv5, view->Memory Browser), and view the memory address 0x80000000.
7. Load app.bin to 0x80000000:
* In CCSv5, right click mouse in memory window, select "load memory".
* Browse and select writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin\app.bin (raw data format), click "next"
* Set the Start Address to "0x80000000", Type-size to 32-bits, leave swap unchecked, click "finish"
8. After the binary file is loaded into the memory, run the program (in CCSv5, press F8), it will start to program the
9. When programming is completed, the console will print "NOR programming completed successfully", if there
is any error, the console will show the error message.
这里的2. Copy the binary file to writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin directory, and rename it to app.bin.这句话我不太明白,这里的binary file是指哪个文件?是指待加载的工程的.OUT文件吗? 直接将.OUT 文件强奸式地改名为 .BIN 文件吗?还是怎样?请大神指导!谢谢!
按你采用的是直接boot还是IBL boot的方式,IBL直接支持.out文件,那就修改成.bin就行;
如果是直接boot,需要把out文件转换成boot table的格式,这样的话你需要参考置顶帖的SPI NOR boot的例子。
Set the Start Address to "0x80000000", Type-size to 32-bits, leave swap unchecked, click "finish"
请问这句话中的 leave swap unchecked,是什么意思?
1. leave swap unchecked 是指 swap选项前的框不要勾选上;
2.可能是缺少“Load the program writer\nor\evmc66xxl\bin\nandwriter_evm66xxl.out to CCS, be sure evmc66xxl.gel is used in CCS
and DDR is intialized.”这个步骤。