Hello, I would like to ask how to determine the DIO channel ids of WKUP_GPIO0_42 and WKUP_GPIO0_52 when using EB to configure DIO for J784S. Is there a table like Pin mapping for SOCS for reference like J721E
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Hello, I would like to ask how to determine the DIO channel ids of WKUP_GPIO0_42 and WKUP_GPIO0_52 when using EB to configure DIO for J784S. Is there a table like Pin mapping for SOCS for reference like J721E
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Thank you for your reply:, according to the above manual WKUP_GPIOu[84:143](u=0,1),But the code in SDK is shown in the red box as follows: "reservedPinStart=32, not 84. Is the SDK wrong? Do I need to change it into" reservedPinStart=84, numPins =59 "?