tivxSetNodeParameterNumBufByIndex(obj->tidlObj.node, 4, 2); 在09.01.00.06版本 跑不起来为输入节点,在08.00.04版本跑的没问题
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tivxSetNodeParameterNumBufByIndex(obj->tidlObj.node, 4, 2); 在09.01.00.06版本 跑不起来为输入节点,在08.00.04版本跑的没问题
index -- 4 or index--7 这些数字的含义哪里定义
The value 4 and 7 represents the node parameter index for the TIDL node.
If you see the node api of TIDL node,
tivxTIDLNode(vx_graph graph,
vx_kernel kernel,
vx_reference appParams[],
vx_tensor input_tensors[],
vx_tensor output_tensors[])
appParams[] consists of 6 parameters (i.e. 0 to 5) , namely config, network, createparams, in_args, out_args and tracedata
input_tensor index is 6 and output tensor index is 7 (assuming there is 1 input tensor and 1 output tensor)
So here 4 is out_args and 7 is output tensor