int main(void) { /* init SOC specific modules */ System_init(); Board_init(); Drivers_open(); Board_driversOpen(); DebugP_log("23\r\n"); /* This task is created at highest priority, it should create more tasks and then delete itself*/ gLinuxToM4Task = xTaskCreateStatic( LinuxToM4_main,"LinuxToM4_main",MAIN_TASK_SIZE,NULL,2,gLinuxToM4Stack,&gLinuxToM4TaskObj ); configASSERT(gLinuxToM4Task != NULL); gM4ToLinuxTask = xTaskCreateStatic( M4ToLinux_main,"M4ToLinux_main",MAIN_TASK_SIZE,NULL,2,gM4ToLinuxStack,&gM4ToLinuxTaskObj ); configASSERT(gLinuxToM4Task != NULL); /* Start the scheduler to start the tasks executing. */ vTaskStartScheduler(); vTaskDelete(NULL); /* The following line should never be reached because vTaskStartScheduler() will only return if there was not enough FreeRTOS heap memory available to create the Idle and (if configured) Timer tasks. Heap management, and techniques for trapping heap exhaustion, are described in the book text. */ DebugP_assertNoLog(0); Board_driversClose(); Drivers_close(); return 0; }