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CSL_CPINTC_Handle hnd; //两种中断需要创建2个Handle吗?
CSL_IntcContext intcContext;
CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord EventHandler[30];//里面是用到几个中断就有几个EventHandler子元素?
CSL_IntcGlobalEnableState state;//多种中断能否共用?
CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord EventRecord;
CSL_IntcObj intcObj_read;
CSL_IntcHandle read_handle;
CSL_IntcParam vectId_read;
CSL_IntcObj intcObj_uart;
CSL_IntcHandle uart_handle;
CSL_IntcParam vectId_uart;
uint8_t eventId_uart;
#define host_event 2//SRIO主机中断
#define sys_event CSL_INTC0_INTDST0//0x70
*************** INTC Configuration *************
/* INTC module initialization */
intcContext.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler; intcContext.numEvtEntries = 2; //此处为1不行,如果改成1的话连单个中断都不能用,请问是什么原因?
if (CSL_intcInit(&intcContext) != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;
/* Enable NMIs */
if (CSL_intcGlobalNmiEnable() != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;
/* Enable global interrupts */
if (CSL_intcGlobalEnable(&state) != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;
************* CPINTC-0 Configuration *************
/* Open the handle to the CPINT Instance */
hnd = CSL_CPINTC_open(0);
//此处为0,如果要配两种中断,是否需要再单独创建hnd1 = CSL_CPINTC_open(0) or CSL_CPINTC_open(1)??
if (hnd == 0) {
return -1;
/* Disable all host interrupts. */
/* Configure no nesting support in the CPINTC Module. */
/* We now map System Interrupt INTDST0 to channel 2 */
CSL_CPINTC_mapSystemIntrToChannel(hnd, sys_event, host_event); //CIC0 Event Inputs:RapidIO interrupt INTDST0
* Map system interrupt to channel
* channel: CIC0_OUT(8+20*n) (n is core num) = 8
CSL_CPINTC_mapSystemIntrToChannel(hnd, CSL_INTC0_UARTINT, 8);
CSL_CPINTC_clearSysInterrupt(hnd, CSL_INTC0_UARTINT);
/* We now enable system interrupt */
CSL_CPINTC_enableSysInterrupt(hnd, sys_event);
CSL_CPINTC_enableSysInterrupt(hnd, CSL_INTC0_UARTINT);
/* We enable host interrupts. */
CSL_CPINTC_enableHostInterrupt(hnd, host_event);
CSL_CPINTC_enableHostInterrupt(hnd, 8);
/* Enable all host interrupts also. */
/* clear system interrupt */
vectId_read = CSL_INTC_VECTID_4;// CPU interrupt number
read_handle = CSL_intcOpen(&intcObj_read, 62, &vectId_read, NULL);//62-CIC0_OUT(2),
/* Open INTC, event ID 30/104 maps to CPU interrupt vector 13 */
vectId_uart = CSL_INTC_VECTID_13;
uart_handle = CSL_intcOpen(&intcObj_uart, CSL_GEM_INTC0_OUT8_OR_INTC1_OUT8, &vectId_uart, NULL);
if(uart_handle == NULL) {
//uart_printf("Open intc_uart failed!\n");
return -1;
if (read_handle == NULL) {
return -1;
if (uart_handle == NULL) {
return -1;
/* 这里将中断服务函数和中断源联系起来 */
/* Bind ISR to Interrupt */
EventHandler[0].handler = (CSL_IntcEventHandler) &read_isr_handler;
EventHandler[0].arg = (void *)0;
EventHandler[2].handler = (CSL_IntcEventHandler) &uart_isr;
EventHandler[2].arg = (void *)CSL_INTC0_UARTINT;
if (CSL_intcPlugEventHandler(read_handle, &EventHandler[0]) != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;
if (CSL_intcPlugEventHandler(uart_handle, &EventHandler[2]) != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;
/* clean event */
CSL_intcHwControl(read_handle, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTCLEAR, NULL);
CSL_intcHwControl(uart_handle, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTCLEAR, NULL);
/* 使能刚才配置的两种中断通路 /
/ Enabling the read events. */
if (CSL_intcHwControl(read_handle, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTENABLE, NULL) != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;
if (CSL_intcHwControl(uart_handle, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTENABLE, NULL) != CSL_SOK) {
return -1;