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TMS320C6655: Abnormal results in calling the sqrt and sqrtf functions

Part Number: TMS320C6655

I first compiled a library file (xxx. lib), then compiled other C files to obj files, and finally linked the obj files and lib file to generate the final executable product. It is found that the calculation results of calling sqrt and sqrtf in the lib is correct, but the calculation result of sqrt and sqrtf in other C file is abnormal.
(1) The code in the lib library:

The results of querying f_dbg11 and f_dbg12 are as follows, are correct

Upon reviewing the assembly file's corresponding calls and definitions for sqrt and sqrtf, it was found that there is a prefix of $Tramp$s$$


(2) Code in other C files:

As shown in the figure, the 10 calculated results are as follows, all of which are incorrect

The call and definition of assembly files sqrt and sqrtf are as follows, without prefix $Tramp $s$$

Search for the entire map file. The content related to sqrt and sqrtf are as follows:


Why is the results of calling sqrt and sqrtf in the lib library correct? The result of calling sqrt and sqrtf from therC files are incorrect?