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CCS V5.5 调试No source available for "main() at D:/TMS320C6678 DSP\TMS320C6678 programming\The debugger\test 5\UART\Debug\UART.out:{3} 0xc007d04{4}"

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6678

1、CCS v5.5 使用TMDSEVM6678LE


debug时提示,No source available for "main() at D:/TMS320C6678 DSP\TMS320C6678 programming\The debugger\test 5\UART\Debug\UART.out:{3} 0xc007d04{4}" 

再点击F5时,提示:No source available for "0xc007d06" 


x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。