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有没有6657upp的接收例程 发一份啊???
参考论坛里的例程把loopback已经调试通过,但修改为接收模式编译时,老是链接报错 问题如下:
**** Build of configuration Debug for project main ****
"C:\\ti\\ccsv5\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all
'Building target: main.out'
'Invoking: C6000 Linker'
"C:/ti/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_7.4.4/bin/cl6x" -mv6600 --abi=eabi -g --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off -z -m"" -i"C:/ti/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_7.4.4/lib" -i"C:/ti/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_7.4.4/include" --reread_libs --warn_sections --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --xml_link_info="main_linkInfo.xml" --rom_model -o "main.out" "./common/KeyStone_common.obj" "./common/KeyStone_DDR_Init.obj" "./upp_dlb_test.obj" "./upp_common.obj" "./mem_test_DSP_core.obj" "./mem_test_DMA.obj" "./main.obj" "./_csl_intcNmiDummy.obj" "./_csl_intcIsrDispatch.obj" "./_csl_intcIntrEnDisRes.obj" "../KeyStone_mem_Test.cmd" -l"libc.a"
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
CSL_intcGlobalEnable ./upp_common.obj
CSL_intcGlobalNmiEnable ./upp_common.obj
CSL_intcInit ./upp_common.obj
CSL_intcInterruptEnable ./upp_common.obj
CSL_intcOpen ./upp_common.obj
CSL_intcPlugEventHandler ./upp_common.obj
intCnt ./upp_common.obj
error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "main.out" not built
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [main.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
**** Build Finished ****
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "main.out" not built
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [main.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
**** Build Finished ****
谢谢 的确是要添加Lib库文件下的ae66(小端)文件 链接 编译都通过了。
我下的例程upp_dlb_test中没有vectors.asm 我要通过中断方式实现upp的接收 有没有vectors.asm 的介绍 谢谢!!!
Allen Yin :
你好 谢谢!
我还有个问题 我分别用xds200和xds100 v2调试程序 两个仿真器都能测到DSP 单连接后xds200可以执行程序 xds100 v2不可以 具体连接画面见附件 请问是怎么回事?如何修改?
您好,我在论坛里找了半天也没有看到6657 upp的例程,能否告诉我一下下载连接,万分感谢!