Hi TI Support,
We are encountering an issue during the boot process of our AM335x-based system. The U-Boot logo displays correctly; however, just before the kernel logo appears, a partial screen glitch occurs.
We measured the waveforms with an oscilloscope, where:
- Channel 1 (Ch1): Input voltage
- Channel 2 (Ch2): PWM signal connected to our LCD
We observed that the PWM signal unexpectedly stops momentarily and then resumes. This interruption appears to cause the partial screen glitch on the LCD.
To address this issue, we followed the suggestion to modify the flags
parameter in the linux-3.2/arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_hwmod_33xx_data.c
file for both am33xx_l3_main_hwmod
and am33xx_lcdc_hwmod
However, the problem persists.
Could you please advise on additional steps or configurations to resolve this issue and prevent the PWM signal interruption during the kernel boot?
Thank you for your support.
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