我在开发dsp c7x时碰到连续调用FFTLIB_fft1dBatched_i16sc_c16sc_o16sc_kernel函数时,第一次fft计算结果正常,第二次fft计算结果异常,单独进行某一次的fft(只使用第一次fftt或者只使用第二次fft)结果均正确。第一次fft输入数组为128通道1024个采样点,第二次输入数组为512通道128个采样点,代码如下:
__attribute__((section(".l2mem"), aligned(64))) int16_t l2_user_array0[128][2048]; // 512k __attribute__((section(".l2mem"), aligned(64))) int16_t l2_user_array1[128][2048]; // 512k __attribute__((section(".l2mem"), aligned(64))) int16_t l2_user_array2[512][256]; // 256k __attribute__((section(".l2mem"), aligned(64))) int16_t l2_user_array3[512][256]; // 256k void func() { battch_fft1d_info_type l_battch_fft1d_info = {0}; l_battch_fft1d_info.num_shifts = 5; l_battch_fft1d_info.channel = 128; l_battch_fft1d_info.num_points = 1024; l_battch_fft1d_info.data_type = FFTLIB_INT16; bsp_dsppro_battch_fft1d((int16_t *)l2_user_array0, (int16_t *)l2_user_array1, &l_battch_fft1d_info); l_battch_fft1d_info.num_shifts = 3; l_battch_fft1d_info.channel = 512; l_battch_fft1d_info.num_points = 128; l_battch_fft1d_info.data_type = FFTLIB_INT16; bsp_dsppro_battch_fft1d((int16_t *)l2_user_array2, (int16_t *)l2_user_array3, &l_battch_fft1d_info); } uint8_t bsp_dsppro_battch_fft1d(int16_t *input, int16_t *output, battch_fft1d_info_type *battch_fft1d_info) { uint8_t l_u8_ret = 0; int16_t *pX; int16_t *pY; int16_t *pW; uint32_t *pShift; FFTLIB_bufParams1D_t bufParamsData; FFTLIB_bufParams1D_t bufParamsShift; FFTLIB_bufParams1D_t bufParamsTw; FFTLIB_STATUS status_opt = FFTLIB_SUCCESS; uint32_t numShifts = battch_fft1d_info->num_shifts; // 5:1024, 3:128 uint32_t l_u32_channel = battch_fft1d_info->channel; // 128 chirp, 1024 point uint32_t numPoints = battch_fft1d_info->num_points; // 1024 point, 128 chirp uint32_t dataMemSize = l_u32_channel * numPoints * 2; /* Kernel requires input/output */ /* buffers to be atleast * 128 elements long */ uint8_t *pblock = NULL; pblock = FFTLIB_fft1dbatched_i16sc_c16sc_o16sc_pBlock; pX = (int16_t *)input; pY = (int16_t *)output; pW = malloc(numPoints * 2 * sizeof (int16_t)); pShift = malloc(numShifts * sizeof (uint32_t)); if ((pX == NULL) || (pY == NULL) || (pW == NULL) || (pShift == NULL)) { DebugP_log("[info]pX is NULL!\r\n"); l_u8_ret = 1; goto error; } bufParamsData.dim_x = dataMemSize; bufParamsData.data_type = FFTLIB_INT16; bufParamsShift.dim_x = numShifts; bufParamsShift.data_type = FFTLIB_UINT32; bufParamsTw.dim_x = numPoints * 2; bufParamsTw.data_type = FFTLIB_INT16; tw_gen (pW, numPoints); /* 批量fft变换 */ /* 批量fft初始化 */ status_opt = FFTLIB_fft1dBatched_i16sc_c16sc_o16sc_init((int16_t *) pX, &bufParamsData, (int16_t *) pW, &bufParamsTw, (int16_t *) pY, &bufParamsData, (uint32_t *) pShift, &bufParamsShift, numPoints, l_u32_channel, pblock); if (status_opt != FFTLIB_SUCCESS) { l_u8_ret = 1; goto error; // /* 批量fft参数检查 */ // status_opt = FFTLIB_fft1dBatched_i16sc_c16sc_o16sc_checkParams((int16_t *) pX, &bufParamsData, (int16_t *) pW, &bufParamsTw, // (int16_t *) pY, &bufParamsData, (uint32_t *) pShift, &bufParamsShift, // numPoints, l_u32_channel, pblock); // if (status_opt != FFTLIB_SUCCESS) // { // l_u8_ret = 2; // goto error; // } /* 批量执行fft */ status_opt = FFTLIB_fft1dBatched_i16sc_c16sc_o16sc_kernel((int16_t *) pX, &bufParamsData, (int16_t *) pW, &bufParamsTw, (int16_t *) pY, &bufParamsData, (uint32_t *) pShift, &bufParamsShift, numPoints, l_u32_channel, pblock); if (status_opt != FFTLIB_SUCCESS) { l_u8_ret = 3; goto error; } error: /* 释放内存 */ if (pW != NULL) { free(pW); } if (pShift != NULL) { free(pShift); } return l_u8_ret; }