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IWR6843AOPEVM上的芯片丝印是“QGALP”;S1.1= ON,S1.2=ON,S1.3=ON,S1,.4=OFF; S2.1= OFF,S2.2=ON
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IWR6843AOPEVM上的芯片丝印是“QGALP”;S1.1= ON,S1.2=ON,S1.3=ON,S1,.4=OFF; S2.1= OFF,S2.2=ON
我按照下面user guide里操作了一遍,GUI可以显示。请再按照下面的user guide仔细检查一遍,如烧写的是否是vital_signs_demo_68xx.bin文件,COM口是否和device manager里的COM口一致?
您可以看一下user guide,使用不同的cfg配置文件,对板子的摆放也有要求。
For initial measurement subject should stay still for 10-15 seconds to allow the application to calibrate. For subsequent measurements the subject must stay still for 5-10 seconds.
For Sensor in Back, the EVM can be placed in the back of a car seat or in a seat cushion. This can be done by placing the EVM in an enclosure as shown below.
请问你的问题解决了吗?我也遇到GUI无显示的问题,front和back cfg文件都没有用
我调用front cfg可以正常显示的;你确认下是否两个硬件都有:MMWAVEICBOOST和IWR6843AOPEVM;然后按照一楼Shine给的链接去配置;两块板子先上电,再打开gui,gui能自动找到正确的串口号应该就可以了。
按照demo的要求需要MMWAVEICBOOST;你可以尝试把串口引出来,但是我没有试过 - -、