Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843BOOST, AWR1843, UNIFLASH
我有一块1642和一块1843boost的开发板。我想评估2Tx和3Tx的情况下的行人检测(people counting)的性能。但是我follow下面的指示
AWR1843BOOST: People Counting on AWR1843 - Sensors forum - Sensors - TI E2E support forums
对3D people counting进行了如下修改:
- In the projectspec (both DSS and MSS), replace -DSOC_XWR68XX with -DSOC_XWR18XX
- In the mss projectspec, change the post build step to use the 18xx firmware.
在编译DSS的时候遇到了system printf未定义的错误,我添加了"C:\ti\xdctools_3_50_08_24_core\packages\xdc\runtime\System.h" 这个头文件之后dss编译通过,
请问如何在1843板子上运行3Dpeople counting的demo?还需要在project spec中做其他修改吗?
I have a 1843 BOOST EVM and i'd like to run 3D people counting demo on it. I follow the instruction on AWR1843BOOST: People Counting on AWR1843 - Sensors forum - Sensors - TI E2E support forums and revise the projectspec. Then i compiled DSS sucessfully after adding a head file. But it raised a lot of errors about 6843 macro. The antenna placements are the same between 1843 and 6843ISK . THen how can I run 3D demo in 6843 toolkit on 1843 board? How can i edit the projspec, in detail please.