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IWR6843AOPEVM: debug时传感器会接收到数据吗?

Part Number: IWR6843AOPEVM

When I debug according to the official debug manual, I always receive the following information:

The reference manual link is as follows:

The demo we use is 3D people count.

How can we perform further debug operations in ccs? How to check the specific input? In addition, why didn’t the cfg file be sent during debugging? If I want to debug the parameters in the cfg file, what should I do?

  • 请问您的打印信息是来自哪里的?我试了一下在ccs里运行demo,是可以的,ccs console里的输出如下。

    [Cortex_R4_0] **********************************************
    Debug: Launching the MMW Demo on MSS
    Debug: Launched the Initialization Task
    Debug: mmWave Control Initialization was successful
    Debug: mmWave Control Synchronization was successful
    [C674X_0] ObjDet DPC: objDetObj address = (ObjDetObj *) 0x81e028
    Debug: DPM Module Sync is done
    [Cortex_R4_0] Debug: CLI is operational
    Debug: Sending rlRfSetLdoBypassConfig with 0 0 0
    App: Issuing Pre-start Common Config IOCTL to R4F
    App: Issuing Pre-start Common Config IOCTL to DSP
    DPM IOCTL report msg = 101
    DPM IOCTL report msg = 201
    App: Calling MmwDemo_RFParser_parseConfig
    App: Calling MmwDemo_ADCBufConfig
    ============ Heap Memory Stats ============
    Size Used Free DPCUsed
    System Heap(TCMB) 133120 37784 95336 3072
    L3 589824 589824 0
    localRam(TCMB) 8192 192 8000
    DPM IOCTL report msg = 200
    App: pre-start config for DSP
    App: pre-start config ready to be set to DSP
    [C674X_0] DPU_radarProcess_init - process handle: (radarProcessInstance_t *)0xf01200
    DPU_radarProcess_init - dynamic CFAR handle: (RADARDEMO_detectionCFAR_handle *)0x818840
    DPU_radarProcess_init - staic CFAR handle: (RADARDEMO_detectionCFAR_handle *)0x6bcc58b8
    DPU_radarProcess_init - 2D capon handle: (RADARDEMO_aoaEst2DCaponBF_handle *)0xf01490
    DPU_radarProcess_init - benchmark obj: (radarProcessBenchmarkObj *)0x200ae0f0
    DPU_radarProcess_init - heatmap: (float *)0x20093af0
    DDR Heap : size 135168 (0x21000), used 123772 (0x1e37c)
    DDR scratch : Not used!
    LL2 Heap : size 103936 (0x19600), used 101980 (0x18e5c)
    LL2 scratch : size 2304 (0x900), used 1168 (0x490)
    L1 Heap : size 11776 (0x2e00), used 3942 (0xf66)
    L1 scratch : size 4608 (0x1200), used 4608 (0x1200)
    HSRAM Heap : Not used!
    HSRAM scratch : Not used!
    [Cortex_R4_0] DPM IOCTL report msg = 100
    DPM IOCTL report msg = 203
    Starting Sensor (issuing MMWave_start)

  • 请问输出里的这些参数具体是什么含义,有无具体的参数描述说明

  • 这个是mss, dss源码里输出的,具体要结合mss, dss源码看。