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请问是使用mmwave stuido的LUA么?请通过ar1.ProfileConfig_mult里的参数设定。
>help ar1.ProfileConfig_mult
Int32 ar1.ProfileConfig_mult(UInt16 RadarDeviceId, UInt16 profileId, Single startFreqConst, Single idleTimeConst, Single adcStartTimeConst, Single rampEndTime, UInt32 tx0OutPowerBackoffCode, UInt32 tx1OutPowerBackoffCode, UInt32 tx2OutPowerBackoffCode, Single tx0PhaseShifter, Single tx1PhaseShifter, Single tx2PhaseShifter, Single freqSlopeConst, Single txStartTime, UInt16 numAdcSamples, UInt16 digOutSampleRate, UInt32 hpfCornerFreq1, UInt32 hpfCornerFreq2, Char rxGain) - Profile configuration API which defines chirp profile parameters
_I_ UInt16 RadarDeviceId - Radar Device Id
_I_ UInt16 profileId - Chirp Profile Id [0 to 3]
_I_ Single startFreqConst - Chirp Start Frequency in GHz
_I_ Single idleTimeConst - Chirp Idle Time in µs
_I_ Single adcStartTimeConst - Chirp ADC Start Time in µs
_I_ Single rampEndTime - Chirp Ramp End Time in µs
_I_ UInt32 tx0OutPowerBackoffCode - TX0 channel Power Backoff in dB
_I_ UInt32 tx1OutPowerBackoffCode - TX1 channel Power Backoff in dB
_I_ UInt32 tx2OutPowerBackoffCode - TX2 channel Power Backoff in dB
_I_ Single tx0PhaseShifter - TX0 channel Phase Shifter Value in deg
_I_ Single tx1PhaseShifter - TX1 channel Phase Shifter in deg
_I_ Single tx2PhaseShifter - TX2 channel Phase Shifter in deg
_I_ Single freqSlopeConst - Chirp Frequency Slope in MHz/µs
_I_ Single txStartTime - TX Start Time in µs
_I_ UInt16 numAdcSamples - RX Number of Adc Samples
_I_ UInt16 digOutSampleRate - RX Sampling Rate in ksps
_I_ UInt32 hpfCornerFreq1 - RX HPF1 corner frequency,[b15:0 (0x00-175 kHz, 0x01-235 kHz, 0x02-350 kHz, 0x03-700 kHz)] + TxChnCalibSet[b31:16]
_I_ UInt32 hpfCornerFreq2 - RX HPF2 corner frequency,[b15:0 (0x00-350 kHz, 0x01-700 kHz, 0x02-1.4 MHz, 0x03-2.8 MHz)] + ForceVCOSelet[b16] and VCOSelect[b17] , RetainTxCalUpdate[b24] , RetainRxCalLut[b25]
_I_ Char rxGain - RX Gain in dB(b0:5), RF Gain Target(b6:7)values 30dB:00, 33dB:01, 36dB:10, Reserved:11
5.5.12 Sub block 0x010B – AWR_DIGITAL_COMP_EST_CONTROL_SB
Issue this API first in the sequence before AWR_PROFILE_CONF_SET_SB API.
Int32 ar1.SetRfInterRxGainPhFreqConfig_mult(UInt16 RadarDeviceId, Char ProfileIndex, Char RxGainCompEn, Char RxPhaseCompEn, Char RxDelayCompEn, Char RxFreqCompEn, Char TxFreqCompEn, Double Rx0DigitalGain, Double Rx1DigitalGain, Double Rx2DigitalGain, Double Rx3DigitalGain, Double Rx0DigitalPhaseShift, Double Rx1DigitalPhaseShift, Double Rx2DigitalPhaseShift, Double Rx3DigitalPhaseShift, Double Rx0DigitalDelay, Double Rx1DigitalDelay, Double Rx2DigitalDelay, Double Rx3DigitalDelay, Double Rx0DigitalFreqShift, Double Rx1DigitalFreqShift, Double Rx2DigitalFreqShift, Double Rx3DigitalFreqShift, Double TX0DigitalFreqShift, Double TX1DigitalFreqShift) - SetRfInterRxGainPhFreqConfig API which used to induce diffwrent gain or phase or frequency offsets on the different RXs, for inter-RX mismatch compensation
_I_ UInt16 RadarDeviceId - Radar device ID
_I_ Char ProfileIndex - Profile Index for which this monitoring cofig applies
_I_ Char RxGainCompEn - RX gain compensation enable
_I_ Char RxPhaseCompEn - RX phase compensation enable
_I_ Char RxDelayCompEn - RX delay compensation enable
_I_ Char RxFreqCompEn - RX frequency compensation enable
_I_ Char TxFreqCompEn - TX frequency compensation enable
_I_ Double Rx0DigitalGain - Rx0 digital gain
_I_ Double Rx1DigitalGain - Rx1 digital gain
_I_ Double Rx2DigitalGain - Rx2 digital gain
_I_ Double Rx3DigitalGain - Rx3 digital gain
_I_ Double Rx0DigitalPhaseShift - Rx0 digital phase shift
_I_ Double Rx1DigitalPhaseShift - Rx1 digital phase shift
_I_ Double Rx2DigitalPhaseShift - Rx2 digital phase shift
_I_ Double Rx3DigitalPhaseShift - Rx3 digital phase shift
_I_ Double Rx0DigitalDelay - Rx0 digital delay
_I_ Double Rx1DigitalDelay - Rx1 digital delay
_I_ Double Rx2DigitalDelay - Rx2 digital delay
_I_ Double Rx3DigitalDelay - Rx3 digital delay
_I_ Double Rx0DigitalFreqShift - Rx0 digital Frequency shift
_I_ Double Rx1DigitalFreqShift - Rx1 digital Frequency shift
_I_ Double Rx2DigitalFreqShift - Rx2 digital Frequency shift
_I_ Double Rx3DigitalFreqShift - Rx3 digital Frequency shift
_I_ Double TX0DigitalFreqShift - Tx0 digital Frequency shift
_I_ Double TX1DigitalFreqShift - Tx1 digital Frequency shift