Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM63
Deal SIR:
We are adopting your lm96163 in out platform now.
The fan that we use has the maximum rpm 10500, 3 wire , 5Volt
Since we did not have remote temperature sensor connected to lm96163, we shorted D+ & D1 together .
(if we don't short D+ & D- together, lm96163 cannot be controlled by reg(4C))
The register settings in lm96163 are listed below:(in sequence)
Reg(03)= 0x04
Reg(4A)= 0x28
Reg(4D)= 5
Reg(4C) =0x0a
The fan speed can be controlled by Reg(4C) , however the tach reading is always 0
Could you help me to tell where is the problem is ?