TDC1000: Ultrasonic level measurement, using TDC1000-TDC7200, measuring plastic turnover box and 6mm thickness steel plate, 500khz ultrasonic sensor probe, transformer boost

Part Number: TDC1000

1. Please recommend an ultrasonic probe to TI ultrasonic team, which is suitable for penetrating steel plate from 6mm to 10mm thickness and can measure the distance of 3-4 meters at the most. What is the recommended ultrasonic probe frequency?
2. The problem of TDC1000 bandpass filter, if the ultrasonic sensor probe is 500KHZ, how much capacitance is used between the LNAOUT-PGAIN of TDC1000, and how much resistance and capacitance is used between PGAOUT-COMPIN? And similar to TDC1000-GASEVM
What is the size of a capacitor and resistor in the receiving circuit between the HV signal at the back end and RX?
3. Does placing the steel pipe horizontally and vertically affect the measurement of the internal liquid level?