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AWR2243: awr2243cascade中脚本文件lua的疑问

Part Number: AWR2243
我对以下两段Lua代码中的调用的API函数 ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult 不明白,我找了许久,没有明白ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 2,1,0,1)语句中的(1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 2,1,0,1)具体表示什么意思呢?

-- Channel & ADC Configuration
if (0 == ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1, 2,1,0,1)) then
    WriteToLog("Master : Channel & ADC Configuration Successful\n", "green")
    WriteToLog("Master : Channel & ADC Configuration Failed\n", "red")
    return -2
-- Channel & ADC Configuration
if (0 == ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(deviceMapSlaves,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,0,2)) then
    WriteToLog("Slaves : Channel & ADC Configuration Successful\n", "green")
    WriteToLog("Slaves : Channel & ADC Configuration Failed\n", "red")
    return -2

  • Hi  

    可在studio 中的LUA shell 中输入help 查看

    >help ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult
    Int32 ar1.ChanNAdcConfig_mult(UInt16 RadarDeviceId, UInt16 Tx0En, UInt16 Tx1En, UInt16 Tx2En, UInt16 Rx0En, UInt16 Rx1En, UInt16 Rx2En, UInt32 Rx3En, Int32 BitsVal, UInt32 FmtVal, UInt32 IQSwap, UInt16 CasCadeMode) - Static device config API which defines configure both the Transmiter and Reciever channels of Radar device and also ADC data format output
    _I_ UInt16 RadarDeviceId - Radar Device Id
    _I_ UInt16 Tx0En - Tx0 channel
    _I_ UInt16 Tx1En - Tx1 channel
    _I_ UInt16 Tx2En - Tx2 channel
    _I_ UInt16 Rx0En - Rx0 channel
    _I_ UInt16 Rx1En - Rx1 channnel
    _I_ UInt16 Rx2En - Rx2 channel
    _I_ UInt32 Rx3En - Rx3 channel[b15:0] + (CascadePinOutCfg[b31:16] b16:ClkOutMasterDis, b17:SynOutMasterDis, b18:ClkOutSlaveEna, b19:SynOutSlaveEna, b20:IntLOMasterEna, b21:OSCClkOutMasterDis)
    _I_ Int32 BitsVal - Number of ADC bits
    _I_ UInt32 FmtVal - ADC output format[b15:0] + FullScaleReductionFactor[b31:16]
    _I_ UInt32 IQSwap - ADC Mode
    _I_ UInt16 CasCadeMode - CascadeMode(Single Chip: 0x0000, MultiChip Master:0x0001, MultiChip Slave:0x0002)

