Dear TI Technical Support Team,
While debugging with CCS 12.6.0, I encountered some issues and would appreciate your assistance and guidance.
Hardware Environment:
IWR1843 (self-designed PCB)
Software Environment:
CCS 12.6.0
Official demo "Multi_Gesture_and_Motion_Detection_18xx"
Specific description of the problem is as follows:
We connected IWR1843 to the PC via XDS200, successfully compiled the project, and generated a file named "multi_gesture_18xx_ods_mss.out" with a size of 2.8M.
After successfully running "test Connection," an error occurred when entering debug mode, showing the following error code,then debug mode is forcefully exited.
We suspect that there might be an error in the gel file configuration. Upon checking the target Configuration, we found that the DAP's configuration file is xwr16xx. We did not find an xwr18xx gel configuration file in the gel folder. We would like to know if this configuration file could be the main cause of the issue.
Cortex_R4_0: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0x0 on Page 0 of Length 0x3c: (Error -1065 @ 0x0) Unable to access device memory. Verify that the memory address is in valid memory. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
Cortex_R4_0: File Loader: Verification failed: Target failed to write 0x00000000
Cortex_R4_0: GEL: File: D:\HGesture\Gesture_recognition\multi_gesture_18xx_ods_mss\Debug\multi_gesture_18xx_ods_mss.out: Load failed.