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DCA1000EVM: .bin

Part Number: DCA1000EVM

Hello, I would like to ask whether the.bin file captured by DCA1000 is the radar echo signal or the IF signal that has been mixed with the transmitted signal? Do I need to mix the waveform generated by the.bin file with the transmitted signal when I process the data in matlab? thank you

  • 您好,


    1. 关于.bin文件的内容
      • DCA1000捕获的.bin文件通常包含的是雷达的回波信号。这些信号是雷达发射信号从环境中物体反射回来的。
    2. 是否需要再次混合信号
      • 当您在MATLAB中处理这些数据时,通常不需要将.bin文件中的波形与发射信号再次混合。因为.bin文件中的回波信号已经经过了雷达系统内部的混合与解调处理。
    3. 后续处理步骤
      • .bin文件中的回波信号已准备好进行进一步的信号处理,如距离-多普勒处理、目标检测与跟踪等,具体取决于您的应用需求(例如,目标检测、距离估计、速度测定等)。


  • Thank you for your reply. So you mean that the original echo signal has been demodulated inside the radar chip, right? What is the specific demodulation method used? Is there any way that I can get the original echo signal (without mixing and demodulation processing)?

  • 您好
