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IWR6843ISK: mmWave Studio 打开时报错 Error: MWArray assembly failed to be initialized

Part Number: IWR6843ISK

雷达连接其他电脑时工作正常,排除硬件问题。重装mmWave Studio和Matlab Runtime后仍然报错。更多日志内容如下:

[20:58:47] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectRadarMode(0)
[20:58:47] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[20:58:47] Matlab Runtime Engine is installed
[20:58:47] [RadarAPI]: Starting Matlab Engine..
[20:58:50] [RadarAPI]: Error: MWArray assembly failed to be initialized
[20:58:50] Trace:
[20:58:50] 在 MatlabPostProcGui.MatlabPostProcGUIClass..ctor()
[20:58:50] 在 AR1xController.frmAR1Main.InitMatlabPostProcEngine(String PostProcesspath)
[20:58:50] [RadarAPI]: Error: Error occured in Matlab Initialization
[20:58:50] [RadarAPI]: Matlab Engine couldn't be Started..
[20:58:51] [RadarAPI]: ar1.selectCascadeMode(0)
[20:58:51] [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[20:58:52] [RadarAPI]: ar1.LoadSettings('C:\Users\123\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')
[20:58:52] [RadarAPI]: Error: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
[20:58:52] Trace:
[20:58:52] 在 AR1xController.ScriptOps.getMatlabPostProcVersion()
[20:58:52] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
[20:58:52] ***Script FAILED!***
[20:58:52] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
[20:58:52] Exception message is:
[20:58:52] 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。