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.lib "nom_pspti.lib"
.lib "E:\Users\Public\Documents\PSpice TI\Rest\BZT52C3V3.lib"

*Analysis directives:
.TRAN 0 200ms 0 SKIPBP
.PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\"

**** INCLUDING ****
* source REST
V_V1 N14393 0 5
R_R2 N14400 N14412 1k TC=0,0
C_C1 N14400 N14393 100n TC=0,0
X_U1 0 N14412 DI_BZT52C3V3

**** RESUMING bias.cir ****

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DI_BZT52C3V3 used by X_U1 is undefined