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cc2640 调用GATT_Indication()返回FAILURE


bStatus_t WeChat_SentIndicate( uint16 connHandle, uint8 *pValue, uint8 len, uint8 taskId)  
  uint8 status = FAILURE;
  if ( WeChat_Indicate_check(connHandle) ) //判断是否打开通知开关,打开了则发送数据  
    attHandleValueInd_t  indi;
    indi.pValue = GATT_bm_alloc(connHandle, ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_IND,len, NULL);
    if( indi.pValue != NULL )
      indi.handle = WeChat_GetAttHandleByUUID(WECHAT_INDICATE_UUID);
      indi.len = len;
      memcpy( indi.pValue, pValue, len);     
      status = GATT_Indication( connHandle, &indi, FALSE, taskId );
      if( status != SUCCESS )
        GATT_bm_free((gattMsg_t *)&indi, ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_IND);
  return status;  

程序中第一次调用时是发送成功的,并且app收到了indicate数据,再次调用时,传入的参数除了数据不一样,其他都一样但返回FAILURE。两次调用间隔50ms或100ms都不好使,通过GATT_Indication()中调用的getStatusValueFromErrNo(ICall_Errno errno)的error发现error是-5,定义如下,

 * ICall function return value in case the calling
 * thread context is not a registered thread,
 * or the entity id passed is not a registered entity.

程序主体流程是app开启indicate ccc后调用GATT_Indication(),发送了2个包(第二个包通过if( pMsg->method == ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_CFM)满足后发送的),都成功了,这两个包用来认证,认证成功后app发出response,2640接收到response后再次调用GATT_Indication()发送给app数据包,这时执行GATT_Indication()出错了,出错内容如上,不知道应该如何解决这个问题。