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CC2640R2F 如何设置定时器为捕获模式,我发现GPTTimer 并没有这种模式功能?

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CC2640R2F 如何设置定时器为捕获模式,我发现GPTTimer 并没有这种模式功能?

  • 用主要使用定时器记录IO的电平变化次数?
  • When configuring for full-width timer \c ui32Config is set

    //! as one of the following values:
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT : Full-width one-shot timer.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT_UP : Full-width one-shot timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC : Full-width periodic timer.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP : Full-width periodic timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! When configuring for a pair of half-width timers, each timer is separately
    //! configured. The timers are configured by setting \c ui32Config to
    //! the bitwise OR of one of each of the following three:
    //! - Use half-width timers:
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR
    //! - Timer A:
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT : Half-width one-shot timer
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT_UP : Half-width one-shot timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC : Half-width periodic timer
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC_UP : Half-width periodic timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT : Half-width edge count capture
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT_UP : Half-width edge count capture that counts
    //! up instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME : Half-width edge time capture
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME_UP : Half-width edge time capture that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PWM : Half-width PWM output
    //! - Timer B:
    //! - Same as Timer A but using TIMER_CFG_B_* instead.
    //! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
    //! \param ui32Config is the configuration for the timer.



  • Kevin Qiu1 说:

    When configuring for full-width timer \c ui32Config is set

    //! as one of the following values:
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT : Full-width one-shot timer.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT_UP : Full-width one-shot timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC : Full-width periodic timer.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP : Full-width periodic timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! When configuring for a pair of half-width timers, each timer is separately
    //! configured. The timers are configured by setting \c ui32Config to
    //! the bitwise OR of one of each of the following three:
    //! - Use half-width timers:
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR
    //! - Timer A:
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT : Half-width one-shot timer
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT_UP : Half-width one-shot timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC : Half-width periodic timer
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC_UP : Half-width periodic timer that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT : Half-width edge count capture
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT_UP : Half-width edge count capture that counts
    //! up instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME : Half-width edge time capture
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME_UP : Half-width edge time capture that counts up
    //! instead of down.
    //! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PWM : Half-width PWM output
    //! - Timer B:
    //! - Same as Timer A but using TIMER_CFG_B_* instead.
    //! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
    //! \param ui32Config is the configuration for the timer.



    你好 我也是想用定时器来计数,但IO电平跳变要保持1s以上才能被检测到计数,比如我要检测按键按下次数,按键按下是低电平,我现在遇到的问题是每次低电平需要保持1s以上计数才能变化,如图初始化代码如下:

    #define Radio_PIN IOID_19

    PIN_Config RadioPinTable[] = 


    RadioPinHandle = PIN_open(&RadioPinState, RadioPinTable);

    //RTOS: Enable peripheral domain and clocks for timer
    PINCC26XX_setMux(RadioPinHandle, Radio_PIN, IOC_PORT_MCU_PORT_EVENT2);

