除了GPIO:PA LNA HGM三个配置以外。
Output Power Programming
The RF output power of the CC2650 - CC2592 EM is controlled by txPower parameter on CC2650 radio setup operation. Table 4
shows the typical output power and current consumption for the recommended power settings. The value specified in the table refers
to the combined value of txPower.IB and txPower.GC.
TXPOWER Power [dBm] Current [mA]
0x3F 22.0 179.8
0x1C 20.9 155.3
0x12 19.5 134.4
0x0E 18.4 119.9
0x0B 16.9 105.1
0x53 15.9 96.0
0x51 14.9 88.3
那么是不是意味着我要去配置txPower.IB and txPower.GC.,当然我看到这个配置在ble_user_config.c文件中。