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Part Number: RF430FRL152HEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: RF430FRL152H, , MSP-EXP430G2ET, DLP-7970ABP

Hello, I am a beginner, I would like to ask now that I have an RF430FRL152H EVM and MSP-FET430, how should I be able to read the values inside the temperature sensor and then store them in FRAM. I've seen the RF430FRL15xH Firmware User's Guide, but I don't know how to use these Registrers, I want to give me a little more detailed steps, I want to know how I can do it.

  • Hi we've got your issue and escalated to e2e for some help. Please expect the response. Thanks!

  • Hi,

    What do you want to do? If you are using the MSP-FET430 then do you develop FW code, which shall read from the temperature sensor? Or do you want to use the ROM firmware to control the measurements? Which temperature sensor are you referring to, the chip internal temperature sensor or the external Thermistor, located on the EVM board?

  • Hello, thanks for your reply, I want to get the data of the internal temperature sensor, I have a mobile phone apk, I hope to be able to collect the temperature value, first I need to store the data, and then use the phone nfc to read out those values, now my main problem is do not know how to store these values, I now need to use the official firmware library? How to modify, I hope to give me a detailed step, thank you very much.

  • Hi got it, and updated to E2E, please expect the response.

  • Hi,

    We think this is a simple task, which can be done with the default firmware of the RF430FRL152HEVM. All the customers mobile phone apk needs to support is ISO15693 standard commands "Write Single Block" and "Read Single Block".

    The virtual registers, which control the RF430FRL152HEVM firmware can be written with the "Write Single Block" command and the sensor results can be read back with "Read Single Block".

    A typical command sequence can be found in chapter 3.6 of the FAQ document ( This example is for the light sensor, so you would just have to adapt the settings for the Internal Sensor. We think the default register values are a good start, the only register, which needs a modification is the Sensor Control Register Block 0 Byte 2), to select the Internal Sensor (write 0x08 instead of 0x04).

    Hope this is helpful.

  • Hello, are these examples written in ccs? I don't have TRF7970AEVM, do I just need to burn the basic firmware plus what is written in in ccs?

  • Hi, due to the holiday, please expect a delayed response. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  • Hi,

    As far as we know, the RF430FRL152HEVM is coming with the SensorHub Project code programmed on it. So there should be no need to program any firmware for getting started. Even the plain ROM firmware (erased FRAM) would support the internal temperature sensor measurement via virtual registers.

    Yes the example firmware consists of several CCS projects, one for every example and for every applicable device spin. If you wants to evaluate one of these projects then it would be required to open a project with CCS and download it to the RF430FRL152HEVM via MSP-FET430.

    Alternatively the provided code image (.txt file) could be loaded per Over the Air programming if the DLP-7970ABP BoosterPack plug-in module and MSP-EXP430G2ET LaunchPad development kit would be available (see chapter 7 in In this case no CCS would be required.

    Hope this will help.

  • Thanks for your reply, which is that I now have two devices (MSP-FET430 and evm) and I want to read the temperature inside the evm I don't need to use ccs right? What software should the "block 3" and "block 0" in the manual and the acceptance "block 9" be configured on?

  • Hi,

    If you have not modified the existing firmware on the RF430FRL152HEVM, then no CCS and no MSP-FET430 is required, because the RF430FRL152HEVM should already contain a functional firmware, which supports internal temperature-sensor measurements. CCS and MSP-FET430 are only required if you want to develop and download a customized firmware to the RF430FRL152HEVM.

    The firmware registers can be written via ISO15693 command "Write Single Block".

    For the internal temperature sensor measurement, the following register configuration would be required:

    Block3 contains all 0xFF by default, which can stay unchanged.

    Block9 will contain the measurement result after completion, so it will be anyway overwritten with a new result and its initialization is not necessary. It would be only for better readability if all block 9 memory is initialized to 0xFF before the measurement, then you can better identify the result value.

    Block 2 should be written with

    RegName BlockNr ByteNr RegData
    Reference-ADC1 Configuration 2 0 0x00
    Thermistor-ADC2 Sensor Configuration 2 1 0x00
    ADC0 Sensor Configuration 2 2 0x00
    Internal Sensor Configuration 2 3 0x08
    Initial Delay Period Setup 2 4 0x00
    JTAG Enable Password 2 5 0xFF
    Initial Delay Period 2 6 0xFF

    Block 0 should be written at the end, because it triggers the measurement.

    RegName BlockNr ByteNr RegData
    General Control 0 0 0x01
    Status 0 1 0x02
    Sensor Control 0 2 0x08
    Frequency 0 3 0x00
    Number of Passes 0 4 0x01
    Averaging 0 5 0x01
    Interrupt Control 0 6 0x00
    Error Control 0 7 0x00

    Hope this will help.

  • Thank you very much for your reply, taking up so much of your precious time, I know what these "blocks" are used for, I mean I don't know where to put them, that is, I don't know what software to set it up on, the data sheet says that it can be set using the GUI, but I don't have TRF7970EVM, so I don't know where these "blocks" are configured.

  • Hi,

    The memory organization in "Blocks" is part of the ISO15693 specification. Also the command set is defined in the ISO15693-3 (such as "Write single Block"). How the RF430FRL152H ROM firmware registers are mapped into the memory "Blocks" can be found in chapter 7 of the RF430FRL15xH Firmware User's Guide (Rev. B).
