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CC1310 rfPacketRx接收数据如何避免阻塞


TX和 RX分别放到2个任务中,TX先初始化,再初始化RX,但是一旦执行RX任务下的

RF_runCmd(rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdPropRx, RF_PriorityNormal, &callback, IRQ_RX_ENTRY_DONE);后,就阻塞在里面了,


请问要在一个模块上做到RX, TX功能应如何处理?

  • 根据您的描述建议您使用Listen Before Talk例程做发送。

    收发例程可以参考Wireless Sensor Network。

    • The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Node and Concentrator examples illustrate how to create a very basic sensor network consisting of one or many Node device(s) and a Concentrator device. The example shows how to form a one-to-many network where the Nodes send messages to the Concentrator.
    • The Node use the Sensor Controller Engine to periodically read the value of the light sensor.
    • Whenever the sensor value change, the main controller wakes up and sends a packet with the value to the Concentrator.
    • The Concentrator is always waiting for incoming packet.
    • Once a packet is received, the Concentrator sends an acknowledgement packet in return and displays the data on an LCD (if the kit has one)


  • Hi, Susan Yang:

    Listen Before Talk里是以TX为例,加入了pNextOp和RF_cmdPropCs.csEndTime、RF_cmdCountBranch.counter等,这些参数可理解为等待时间吗?


  • 半双工通信,通过握手协议切换收发状态。

  • 利用例程easylink:使用中断函数非阻塞

    if (EasyLink_transmit(&currentRadioOperation.easyLinkTxPacket) != EasyLink_Status_Success)
    System_abort("EasyLink_transmit failed");
    /* Enter RX */
    if (EasyLink_receiveAsync(rxDoneCallback, 0) != EasyLink_Status_Success)
    System_abort("EasyLink_receiveAsync failed");

  • 嗯,已使用easylink,实现非阻塞方式收发。

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。