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Public function defined in cllc.h */ void Cllc_init(ApiMac_callbacks_t *pMacCbs, Cllc_callbacks_t *pCllcCbs) { uint16_t panId = CONFIG_PAN_ID; /* Initialize coordinator PAN ID if a valid value is defined in config */ if((panId != 0x0000) && (panId != CLLC_INVALID_PAN)) { coordInfoBlock.panID = panId; }
如果sensor 是被collector 踢出会进到
static void jdllcDisassocIndCb(ApiMac_sAddrExt_t *pExtAddress, ApiMac_disassocateReason_t reason) { /* Stop the reporting timer */ Ssf_setReadingClock(0); Ssf_clearNetworkInfo(); #ifdef FEATURE_NATIVE_OAD /* OAD abort with no auto resume */ OADClient_abort(false); #endif //FEATURE_NATIVE_OAD }
也就是会clear networkinfo。
Send disassociation request. Public function defined in jdllc.h */ void Jdllc_sendDisassociationRequest(void) { ApiMac_mlmeDisassociateReq_t disassocReq; /* Zero-init the data strcture * set up the sec field: no security * */ memset(&disassocReq,0x00, sizeof(disassocReq)); if(CONFIG_FH_ENABLE && CONFIG_RX_ON_IDLE) { disassocReq.deviceAddress.addrMode = ApiMac_addrType_extended; Util_copyExtAddr(&disassocReq.deviceAddress.addr.extAddr, &devInfoBlock.coordExtAddr); } else { disassocReq.deviceAddress.addrMode = ApiMac_addrType_short; disassocReq.deviceAddress.addr.shortAddr = devInfoBlock.coordShortAddr; } disassocReq.devicePanId = devInfoBlock.panID; disassocReq.disassociateReason = ApiMac_disassocateReason_device; disassocReq.txIndirect = false; ApiMac_mlmeDisassociateReq(&disassocReq); }
也会清掉network info。