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LAUNCHXL-CC1310: 在HSM模式下,接收速率TP(bps)和发送速率DR(bps)相差很多

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1310
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310



我本来的理解,应该是TP(bps)= 单位时长内接收到的bits数/单位时长(second),如果误码率为0的情况下,应该和DR是相等的。看了Rx.c里面的算法,挺复杂的,和我想的不一样。



 nBitsDeltaTimeUs = 32UL - nFracBits;

            if(nBitsDeltaTimeUs >= LOG2_100MILLION)
                // deltaTimeUs is two orders of magnitude larger that 10^6
                // Throughput_I = (N_bits * 2^nFracBits)/(delT_us/10^6))
                //              = Throughput_I / 2^nFracBits
                // Shift N_bits up to occupy the MSbs and then divide by

// (delT_us/10^6) which is at least 6 bits wide
                //   log2(1e8)-log2(1e6) = 6.643856189774724
                throughputI = (nBits << nFracBits)/ (deltaTimeUs / 1000000UL);
                throughputQ = throughputI & ((1 << nFracBits) - 1);
                throughputI = throughputI >> nFracBits;
                // deltaTimeUs is smaller or comparable to 10^8
                // Throughput_I = (N_bits * 2^NFRAC)/(delT_us/10^6)
                //              = (N_bits)* (round(10^6*2^NFRAC)/delT_us)

              = (N_bits)* ((10^6*2^NFRAC + delT_us/2)/delT_us)
                //              = Throughput_I / 2^nFracBits
                throughputI = nBits * (((1000000UL << NFRACBITS) + (deltaTimeUs >> 1))/deltaTimeUs);
                throughputQ = throughputI & ((1 << NFRACBITS) - 1);
                throughputI = throughputI >> NFRACBITS;



1. Rx的算法原理是什么?

2. 最理想的情况,在Tx的Dr为4Mbps时,Rx的TP能达到多少?