1、RF_runCmd(rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdPropRx,RF_PriorityNormal, &RxCallback,0);,这个函数是阻塞还是非阻塞,我使用debug单步调试发现运行之后无法跳转到后续函数中
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1、RF_runCmd(rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdPropRx,RF_PriorityNormal, &RxCallback,0);,这个函数是阻塞还是非阻塞,我使用debug单步调试发现运行之后无法跳转到后续函数中
Runs synchronously an RF operation command or a chain of commands and returns the termination reason.
This function appends an RF operation command or a chain of commands to the RF driver's command queue and then waits for it to complete. A command is completed if one of the termination events RF_EventLastCmdDone, RF_EventCmdCancelled, RF_EventCmdAborted, RF_EventCmdStopped occurred.