各位专家大家好: 现在我使用SCS 中的ADC Window Monitor for LaunchPad 例程,对AD 输入数据进行分析,当AD IO 接入 3.3 v 引脚时,看到例程中AD 读取的数据是 3100mv , 我用万用表测得的数值是 3.3 V .
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各位专家大家好: 现在我使用SCS 中的ADC Window Monitor for LaunchPad 例程,对AD 输入数据进行分析,当AD IO 接入 3.3 v 引脚时,看到例程中AD 读取的数据是 3100mv , 我用万用表测得的数值是 3.3 V .
The ADC values returned by adcReadFifo()
are not compensated for offset and gain errors in the ADC. This compensation, using factory configuration data stored during chip production, can be done by using the AUX_ADC
DriverLib module on the System CPU to:
data structure)cfg
data structure)