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CC3200 使用smartlink 配置wifi 经常识别不到AP

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smartconfig配置WIFI 经常识别不到SSID


[WLAN EVENT] Unexpected event [0x3]
[WLAN EVENT] Unexpected event [0x3]
[WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: ,BSSID: 0:0:0:0:0:0 on an ERROR..!!
[WLAN ERROR]Device disconnected from the AP AP: ,BSSID: 0:0:0:0:0:0 on an ERROR..!!

  • CC3200的SmartConfig和手机系统及版本在连接不同的AP时有一些兼容性问题,如果必须加入Smartcofig建议使用TI下一代产品CC3220,该芯片会大幅提高SmartConfig的性能,现在有样片可以申请,今年二季度量产。