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CC3235SF: 关于MQTT-client例程LED灯使用的问题?

Part Number: CC3235SF


  • /*
         * In case a persistent session is being used, subscribe is called before connect so that the module
         * is aware of the topic callbacks the user is using. This is important because if the broker is holding
         * messages for the client, after CONNACK the client may receive the messages before the module is aware
         * of the topic callbacks. The user may still call subscribe after connect but have to be aware of this.
        ret = MQTT_IF_Subscribe(mqttClientHandle, "Broker/To/cc32xx", MQTT_QOS_2, BrokerCB);
        ret |= MQTT_IF_Subscribe(mqttClientHandle, "cc32xx/ToggleLED1", MQTT_QOS_2, ToggleLED1CB);
        ret |= MQTT_IF_Subscribe(mqttClientHandle, "cc32xx/ToggleLED2", MQTT_QOS_2, ToggleLED2CB);
        ret |= MQTT_IF_Subscribe(mqttClientHandle, "cc32xx/ToggleLED3", MQTT_QOS_2, ToggleLED3CB);
