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很多客户还在使用Z-Stack2.5.1a或者Z-Stack Mesh 1.0.0。有客户需求用CC2652R去替换Coordinator,因为CC2652R中RAM更大,可以组成大的网络。
CC2530使用Z-Stack Mesh 1.0.0中的GenericApp例程(无需更改)。
static void zclGenericApp_initParameters(void) { zstack_bdbSetAttributesReq_t zstack_bdbSetAttrReq; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbCommissioningGroupID = BDB_DEFAULT_COMMISSIONING_GROUP_ID; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbPrimaryChannelSet = BDB_DEFAULT_PRIMARY_CHANNEL_SET; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbScanDuration = BDB_DEFAULT_SCAN_DURATION; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbSecondaryChannelSet = BDB_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_CHANNEL_SET; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbCommissioningGroupID = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbPrimaryChannelSet = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbScanDuration = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbSecondaryChannelSet = TRUE; #if (ZG_BUILD_COORDINATOR_TYPE) zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbJoinUsesInstallCodeKey = FALSE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTrustCenterNodeJoinTimeout = FALSE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTrustCenterRequireKeyExchange = FALSE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbJoinUsesInstallCodeKey = BDB_DEFAULT_JOIN_USES_INSTALL_CODE_KEY; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTrustCenterNodeJoinTimeout = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_NODE_JOIN_TIMEOUT; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTrustCenterRequireKeyExchange = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_REQUIRE_KEY_EXCHANGE; #endif #if (ZG_BUILD_JOINING_TYPE) zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptsMax = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeMethod = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptsMax = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_LINK_KEY_EXCHANGE_ATTEMPS_MAX; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeMethod = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_LINK_KEY_EXCHANGE_METHOD; #endif Zstackapi_bdbSetAttributesReq(zclGenericApp_Entity, &zstack_bdbSetAttrReq); }
Trust Center Link Key (TC Link Key)以及INSTALL CODE。
/************************************************************************************************** Filename: zcl_genericapp.c Revised: $Date: 2014-10-24 16:04:46 -0700 (Fri, 24 Oct 2014) $ Revision: $Revision: 40796 $ Description: Zigbee Cluster Library - sample device application. Copyright 2006-2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights granted under the terms of a software license agreement between the user who downloaded the software, his/her employer (which must be your employer) and Texas Instruments Incorporated (the "License"). You may not use this Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of the License. The License limits your use, and you acknowledge, that the Software may not be modified, copied or distributed unless embedded on a Texas Instruments microcontroller or used solely and exclusively in conjunction with a Texas Instruments radio frequency transceiver, which is integrated into your product. Other than for the foregoing purpose, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or its documentation for any purpose. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TEXAS INSTRUMENTS OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. Should you have any questions regarding your right to use this Software, contact Texas Instruments Incorporated at **************************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* This application is a template to get started writing an application from scratch. Look for the sections marked with "GENERICAPP_TODO" to add application specific code. Note: if you would like your application to support automatic attribute reporting, include the BDB_REPORTING compile flag. *********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * INCLUDES */ #include "zcomdef.h" #include "on_board.h" #include "nvintf.h" #include "zstackmsg.h" #include "zstackapi.h" #include "zcl.h" #include "zcl_general.h" #include "zcl_diagnostic.h" #include "zcl_genericapp.h" #include "zcl_port.h" #include "board_led.h" #include "board_key.h" #include "timer.h" #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore.h> /********************************************************************* * MACROS */ /********************************************************************* * CONSTANTS */ /********************************************************************* * TYPEDEFS */ /********************************************************************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ byte zclGenericApp_TaskID; /********************************************************************* * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS */ /********************************************************************* * LOCAL VARIABLES */ // Semaphore used to post events to the application thread static ICall_Semaphore sem; static ICall_EntityID zclGenericApp_Entity; static endPointDesc_t zclGenericAppEpDesc = {0}; #if ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE static Clock_Handle EndDeviceRejoinClkHandle; static Clock_Struct EndDeviceRejoinClkStruct; #endif // Passed in function pointers to the NV driver static NVINTF_nvFuncts_t *pfnZdlNV = NULL; // Key press parameters static uint8_t keys; // Task pending events static uint16_t events = 0; afAddrType_t zclGenericApp_DstAddr; /********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */ static void zclGenericApp_initialization(void); static void zclGenericApp_process_loop(void); static void zclGenericApp_initParameters(void); static void zclGenericApp_processZStackMsgs(zstackmsg_genericReq_t *pMsg); static void SetupZStackCallbacks(void); static void zclGenericApp_processAfIncomingMsgInd(zstack_afIncomingMsgInd_t *pInMsg); static void zclGenericApp_initializeClocks(void); #if ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE static void zclGenericApp_processEndDeviceRejoinTimeoutCallback(UArg a0); #endif static void zclGenericApp_changeKeyCallback(uint8_t keysPressed); static void zclGenericApp_processKey(uint8 keysPressed); static void zclGenericApp_Init( void ); static void zclGenericApp_BasicResetCB( void ); static void zclGenericApp_ProcessCommissioningStatus(bdbCommissioningModeMsg_t *bdbCommissioningModeMsg); // Functions to process ZCL Foundation incoming Command/Response messages static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessIncomingMsg( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); #ifdef ZCL_READ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInReadRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); #endif #ifdef ZCL_WRITE static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInWriteRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); #endif static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDefaultRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); #ifdef ZCL_DISCOVER static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscCmdsRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsExtRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ); #endif /********************************************************************* * STATUS STRINGS */ // TODO? /********************************************************************* * ZCL General Profile Callback table */ static zclGeneral_AppCallbacks_t zclGenericApp_CmdCallbacks = { zclGenericApp_BasicResetCB, // Basic Cluster Reset command NULL, // Identify Trigger Effect command NULL, // On/Off cluster commands NULL, // On/Off cluster enhanced command Off with Effect NULL, // On/Off cluster enhanced command On with Recall Global Scene NULL, // On/Off cluster enhanced command On with Timed Off #ifdef ZCL_LEVEL_CTRL NULL, // Level Control Move to Level command NULL, // Level Control Move command NULL, // Level Control Step command NULL, // Level Control Stop command #endif #ifdef ZCL_GROUPS NULL, // Group Response commands #endif #ifdef ZCL_SCENES NULL, // Scene Store Request command NULL, // Scene Recall Request command NULL, // Scene Response command #endif #ifdef ZCL_ALARMS NULL, // Alarm (Response) commands #endif #ifdef SE_UK_EXT NULL, // Get Event Log command NULL, // Publish Event Log command #endif NULL, // RSSI Location command NULL // RSSI Location Response command }; /********************************************************************* * GENERICAPP_TODO: Add other callback structures for any additional application specific * Clusters being used, see available callback structures below. * * bdbTL_AppCallbacks_t * zclApplianceControl_AppCallbacks_t * zclApplianceEventsAlerts_AppCallbacks_t * zclApplianceStatistics_AppCallbacks_t * zclElectricalMeasurement_AppCallbacks_t * zclGeneral_AppCallbacks_t * zclGp_AppCallbacks_t * zclHVAC_AppCallbacks_t * zclLighting_AppCallbacks_t * zclMS_AppCallbacks_t * zclPollControl_AppCallbacks_t * zclPowerProfile_AppCallbacks_t * zclSS_AppCallbacks_t * */ /******************************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_task * * @brief Application task entry point for the ZStack Sample Light * Application * * @param pfnNV - pointer to the NV functions * * @return none */ void zclGenericApp_task(NVINTF_nvFuncts_t *pfnNV) { // Save and register the function pointers to the NV drivers pfnZdlNV = pfnNV; zclport_registerNV(pfnZdlNV, ZCL_PORT_SCENE_TABLE_NV_ID); // Initialize application zclGenericApp_initialization(); // No return from task process zclGenericApp_process_loop(); } /******************************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_initialization * * @brief Initialize the application * * @param none * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_initialization(void) { /* Initialize user clocks */ zclGenericApp_initializeClocks(); /* Initialize keys */ Board_Key_initialize(zclGenericApp_changeKeyCallback); /* Initialize the LEDS */ Board_Led_initialize(); // Register the current thread as an ICall dispatcher application // so that the application can send and receive messages. ICall_registerApp(&zclGenericApp_Entity, &sem); //Initialize stack zclGenericApp_Init(); } /******************************************************************************* * @fn SetupZStackCallbacks * * @brief Setup the Zstack Callbacks wanted * * @param none * * @return none */ static void SetupZStackCallbacks(void) { zstack_devZDOCBReq_t zdoCBReq = {0}; // Register for Callbacks, turn on: // Device State Change, // ZDO Match Descriptor Response, zdoCBReq.has_devStateChange = true; zdoCBReq.devStateChange = true; (void)Zstackapi_DevZDOCBReq(zclGenericApp_Entity, &zdoCBReq); } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_Init * * @brief Initialization function for the zclGeneral layer. * * @param none * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_Init( void ) { // Set destination address to indirect zclGenericApp_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)AddrNotPresent; zclGenericApp_DstAddr.endPoint = 0; zclGenericApp_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = 0; //Register Endpoint zclGenericAppEpDesc.endPoint = GENERICAPP_ENDPOINT; zclGenericAppEpDesc.simpleDesc = &zclGenericApp_SimpleDesc; zclport_registerEndpoint(zclGenericApp_Entity, &zclGenericAppEpDesc); // Register the ZCL General Cluster Library callback functions zclGeneral_RegisterCmdCallbacks( GENERICAPP_ENDPOINT, &zclGenericApp_CmdCallbacks ); // GENERICAPP_TODO: Register other cluster command callbacks here // Register the application's attribute list zclGenericApp_ResetAttributesToDefaultValues(); zcl_registerAttrList( GENERICAPP_ENDPOINT, zclGenericApp_NumAttributes, zclGenericApp_Attrs ); // Register the Application to receive the unprocessed Foundation command/response messages zclport_registerZclHandleExternal(zclGenericApp_ProcessIncomingMsg); //Write the bdb initialization parameters zclGenericApp_initParameters(); //Setup ZDO callbacks SetupZStackCallbacks(); #ifdef ZCL_DISCOVER // Register the application's command list zcl_registerCmdList( GENERICAPP_ENDPOINT, zclCmdsArraySize, zclGenericApp_Cmds ); #endif #ifdef ZCL_DIAGNOSTIC // Register the application's callback function to read/write attribute data. // This is only required when the attribute data format is unknown to ZCL. zcl_registerReadWriteCB( GENERICAPP_ENDPOINT, zclDiagnostic_ReadWriteAttrCB, NULL ); if ( zclDiagnostic_InitStats() == ZSuccess ) { // Here the user could start the timer to save Diagnostics to NV } #endif } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_initParameters * * @brief Initialization function for the bdb attribute set * * @param none * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_initParameters(void) { zstack_bdbSetAttributesReq_t zstack_bdbSetAttrReq; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbCommissioningGroupID = BDB_DEFAULT_COMMISSIONING_GROUP_ID; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbPrimaryChannelSet = BDB_DEFAULT_PRIMARY_CHANNEL_SET; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbScanDuration = BDB_DEFAULT_SCAN_DURATION; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbSecondaryChannelSet = BDB_DEFAULT_SECONDARY_CHANNEL_SET; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbCommissioningGroupID = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbPrimaryChannelSet = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbScanDuration = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbSecondaryChannelSet = TRUE; #if (ZG_BUILD_COORDINATOR_TYPE) zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbJoinUsesInstallCodeKey = FALSE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTrustCenterNodeJoinTimeout = FALSE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTrustCenterRequireKeyExchange = FALSE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbJoinUsesInstallCodeKey = BDB_DEFAULT_JOIN_USES_INSTALL_CODE_KEY; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTrustCenterNodeJoinTimeout = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_NODE_JOIN_TIMEOUT; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTrustCenterRequireKeyExchange = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_REQUIRE_KEY_EXCHANGE; #endif #if (ZG_BUILD_JOINING_TYPE) zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptsMax = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.has_bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeMethod = TRUE; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptsMax = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_LINK_KEY_EXCHANGE_ATTEMPS_MAX; zstack_bdbSetAttrReq.bdbTCLinkKeyExchangeMethod = BDB_DEFAULT_TC_LINK_KEY_EXCHANGE_METHOD; #endif Zstackapi_bdbSetAttributesReq(zclGenericApp_Entity, &zstack_bdbSetAttrReq); } /******************************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_initializeClocks * * @brief Initialize Clocks * * @param none * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_initializeClocks(void) { #if ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE // Initialize the timers needed for this application EndDeviceRejoinClkHandle = Timer_construct( &EndDeviceRejoinClkStruct, zclGenericApp_processEndDeviceRejoinTimeoutCallback, GENERICAPP_END_DEVICE_REJOIN_DELAY, 0, false, 0); #endif } #if ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE /******************************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_processEndDeviceRejoinTimeoutCallback * * @brief Timeout handler function * * @param a0 - ignored * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_processEndDeviceRejoinTimeoutCallback(UArg a0) { (void)a0; // Parameter is not used events |= GENERICAPP_END_DEVICE_REJOIN_EVT; // Wake up the application thread when it waits for clock event Semaphore_post(sem); } #endif /********************************************************************* * @fn zclSample_event_loop * * @brief Event Loop Processor for zclGeneral. * * @param none * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_process_loop( void ) { for(;;) { ICall_ServiceEnum stackid; ICall_EntityID dest; zstackmsg_genericReq_t *pMsg = NULL; /* Wait for response message */ if(ICall_wait(ICALL_TIMEOUT_FOREVER) == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS) { /* Retrieve the response message */ if(ICall_fetchServiceMsg(&stackid, &dest, (void **)&pMsg) == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS) { if( (stackid == ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_ZSTACK) && (dest == zclGenericApp_Entity) ) { if(pMsg) { zclGenericApp_processZStackMsgs(pMsg); // Free any separately allocated memory Zstackapi_freeIndMsg(pMsg); } } if(pMsg) { ICall_freeMsg(pMsg); } } if(events & GENERICAPP_KEY_EVT) { // Process Key Presses zclGenericApp_processKey(keys); keys = 0; events &= ~GENERICAPP_KEY_EVT; } #if ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE if ( events & SAMPLEAPP_END_DEVICE_REJOIN_EVT ) { zstack_bdbZedAttemptRecoverNwkRsp_t zstack_bdbZedAttemptRecoverNwkRsp; Zstackapi_bdbZedAttemptRecoverNwkReq(zclGenericApp_Entity,&zstack_bdbZedAttemptRecoverNwkRsp); events &= ~SAMPLEAPP_END_DEVICE_REJOIN_EVT; } #endif /* GENERICAPP_TODO: handle app events here */ if ( events & GENERICAPP_EVT_1 ) { events &= ~GENERICAPP_EVT_1; } /* if ( events & GENERICAPP_EVT_2 ) { events &= ~GENERICAPP_EVT_2; } if ( events & GENERICAPP_EVT_3 ) { events &= ~GENERICAPP_EVT_3; } */ } } } /******************************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_processZStackMsgs * * @brief Process event from Stack * * @param pMsg - pointer to incoming ZStack message to process * * @return void */ static void zclGenericApp_processZStackMsgs(zstackmsg_genericReq_t *pMsg) { switch(pMsg->hdr.event) { case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_NOTIFICATION: { zstackmsg_bdbNotificationInd_t *pInd; pInd = (zstackmsg_bdbNotificationInd_t*)pMsg; zclGenericApp_ProcessCommissioningStatus(&(pInd->Req)); } break; case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_IDENTIFY_TIME_CB: { // zstackmsg_bdbIdentifyTimeoutInd_t *pInd; // pInd = (zstackmsg_bdbIdentifyTimeoutInd_t*) pMsg; // uiProcessIdentifyTimeChange(&(pInd->EndPoint)); } break; case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_BIND_NOTIFICATION_CB: { // zstackmsg_bdbBindNotificationInd_t *pInd; // pInd = (zstackmsg_bdbBindNotificationInd_t*) pMsg; // uiProcessBindNotification(&(pInd->Req)); } break; case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_AF_INCOMING_MSG_IND: { // Process incoming data messages zstackmsg_afIncomingMsgInd_t *pInd; pInd = (zstackmsg_afIncomingMsgInd_t *)pMsg; zclGenericApp_processAfIncomingMsgInd( &(pInd->req) ); } break; case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_DEV_PERMIT_JOIN_IND: { // zstackmsg_devPermitJoinInd_t *pInd; // pInd = (zstackmsg_devPermitJoinInd_t*)pMsg; // uiProcessPermitJoin(&(pInd->Req)); } break; #if (ZG_BUILD_JOINING_TYPE) case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_CBKE_TC_LINK_KEY_EXCHANGE_IND: { zstack_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq_t zstack_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq; /* Z3.0 has not defined CBKE yet, so lets attempt default TC Link Key exchange procedure * by reporting CBKE failure. */ zstack_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq.didSuccess = FALSE; Zstackapi_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq(zclGenericApp_Entity, &zstack_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq); } break; case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_FILTER_NWK_DESCRIPTOR_IND: /* User logic to remove networks that do not want to join * Networks to be removed can be released with Zstackapi_bdbNwkDescFreeReq */ Zstackapi_bdbFilterNwkDescComplete(zclGenericApp_Entity); break; #endif case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_DEV_STATE_CHANGE_IND: { // The ZStack Thread is indicating a State change // zstackmsg_devStateChangeInd_t *pInd = // (zstackmsg_devStateChangeInd_t *)pMsg; // UI_DeviceStateUpdated(&(pInd->req)); } break; /* * These are messages/indications from ZStack that this * application doesn't process. These message can be * processed by your application, remove from this list and * process them here in this switch statement. */ #ifdef BDB_TL_TARGET case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_TOUCHLINK_TARGET_ENABLE_IND: { // zstackmsg_bdbTouchLinkTargetEnableInd_t *pInd = // (zstackmsg_bdbTouchLinkTargetEnableInd_t*)pMsg; // // uiProcessTouchlinkTargetEnable(&(pInd->req)); } break; #endif case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_BDB_TC_LINK_KEY_EXCHANGE_NOTIFICATION_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_AF_DATA_CONFIRM_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_NWK_ADDR_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_IEEE_ADDR_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_NODE_DESC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_POWER_DESC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_SIMPLE_DESC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_ACTIVE_EP_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_COMPLEX_DESC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_USER_DESC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_USER_DESC_SET_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_SERVER_DISC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_END_DEVICE_BIND_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_BIND_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_UNBIND_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_NWK_DISC_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_LQI_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_RTG_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_BIND_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_LEAVE_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_DIRECT_JOIN_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_PERMIT_JOIN_RSP: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_MGMT_NWK_UPDATE_NOTIFY: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_SRC_RTG_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_CONCENTRATOR_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_LEAVE_CNF: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_LEAVE_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_SYS_RESET_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_AF_REFLECT_ERROR_IND: case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_ZDO_TC_DEVICE_IND: break; default: break; } } /******************************************************************************* * * @fn zclGenericApp_processAfIncomingMsgInd * * @brief Process AF Incoming Message Indication message * * @param pInMsg - pointer to incoming message * * @return none * */ static void zclGenericApp_processAfIncomingMsgInd(zstack_afIncomingMsgInd_t *pInMsg) { afIncomingMSGPacket_t afMsg; /* * All incoming messages are passed to the ZCL message processor, * first convert to a structure that ZCL can process. */ afMsg.groupId = pInMsg->groupID; afMsg.clusterId = pInMsg->clusterId; afMsg.srcAddr.endPoint = pInMsg->srcAddr.endpoint; afMsg.srcAddr.panId = pInMsg->srcAddr.panID; afMsg.srcAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)pInMsg->srcAddr.addrMode; if( (afMsg.srcAddr.addrMode == afAddr16Bit) || (afMsg.srcAddr.addrMode == afAddrGroup) || (afMsg.srcAddr.addrMode == afAddrBroadcast) ) { afMsg.srcAddr.addr.shortAddr = pInMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr; } else if(afMsg.srcAddr.addrMode == afAddr64Bit) { memcpy(afMsg.srcAddr.addr.extAddr, &(pInMsg->srcAddr.addr.extAddr), 8); } afMsg.macDestAddr = pInMsg->macDestAddr; afMsg.endPoint = pInMsg->endpoint; afMsg.wasBroadcast = pInMsg->wasBroadcast; afMsg.LinkQuality = pInMsg->linkQuality; afMsg.correlation = pInMsg->correlation; afMsg.rssi = pInMsg->rssi; afMsg.SecurityUse = pInMsg->securityUse; afMsg.timestamp = pInMsg->timestamp; afMsg.nwkSeqNum = pInMsg->nwkSeqNum; afMsg.macSrcAddr = pInMsg->macSrcAddr; afMsg.radius = pInMsg->radius; afMsg.cmd.TransSeqNumber = pInMsg->transSeqNum; afMsg.cmd.DataLength = pInMsg->n_payload; afMsg.cmd.Data = pInMsg->pPayload; zcl_ProcessMessageMSG(&afMsg); } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessCommissioningStatus * * @brief Callback in which the status of the commissioning process are reported * * @param bdbCommissioningModeMsg - Context message of the status of a commissioning process * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_ProcessCommissioningStatus(bdbCommissioningModeMsg_t *bdbCommissioningModeMsg) { switch(bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbCommissioningMode) { case BDB_COMMISSIONING_FORMATION: if(bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbCommissioningStatus == BDB_COMMISSIONING_SUCCESS) { zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq_t zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq; //After formation, perform nwk steering again plus the remaining commissioning modes that has not been process yet zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq.commissioning_mode = BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_STEERING | bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbRemainingCommissioningModes; Zstackapi_bdbStartCommissioningReq(zclGenericApp_Entity,&zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq); } else { //Want to try other channels? //try with bdb_setChannelAttribute } break; case BDB_COMMISSIONING_NWK_STEERING: if(bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbCommissioningStatus == BDB_COMMISSIONING_SUCCESS) { //YOUR JOB: //We are on the nwk, what now? } else { //See the possible errors for nwk steering procedure //No suitable networks found //Want to try other channels? //try with bdb_setChannelAttribute } break; case BDB_COMMISSIONING_FINDING_BINDING: if(bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbCommissioningStatus == BDB_COMMISSIONING_SUCCESS) { //YOUR JOB: } else { //YOUR JOB: //retry?, wait for user interaction? } break; case BDB_COMMISSIONING_INITIALIZATION: //Initialization notification can only be successful. Failure on initialization //only happens for ZED and is notified as BDB_COMMISSIONING_PARENT_LOST notification //YOUR JOB: //We are on a network, what now? break; #if ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE case BDB_COMMISSIONING_PARENT_LOST: if(bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbCommissioningStatus == BDB_COMMISSIONING_NETWORK_RESTORED) { //We did recover from losing parent } else { //Parent not found, attempt to rejoin again after a fixed delay Timer_setTimeout( EndDeviceRejoinClkHandle, GENERICAPP_END_DEVICE_REJOIN_DELAY ); Util_startClock(&EndDeviceRejoinClkStruct); } break; #endif } } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessTouchlinkTargetEnable * * @brief Called to process when the touchlink target functionality * is enabled or disabled * * @param none * * @return none */ #if ( defined ( BDB_TL_TARGET ) && (BDB_TOUCHLINK_CAPABILITY_ENABLED == TRUE) ) static void zclGenericApp_ProcessTouchlinkTargetEnable( uint8 enable ) { if ( enable ) { HalLedSet ( HAL_LED_1, HAL_LED_MODE_ON ); } else { HalLedSet ( HAL_LED_1, HAL_LED_MODE_OFF ); } } #endif /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_BasicResetCB * * @brief Callback from the ZCL General Cluster Library * to set all the Basic Cluster attributes to default values. * * @param none * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_BasicResetCB( void ) { /* GENERICAPP_TODO: remember to update this function with any application-specific cluster attribute variables */ zclGenericApp_ResetAttributesToDefaultValues(); } /****************************************************************************** * * Functions for processing ZCL Foundation incoming Command/Response messages * *****************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessIncomingMsg * * @brief Process ZCL Foundation incoming message * * @param pInMsg - pointer to the received message * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessIncomingMsg( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { uint8 handled = FALSE; switch ( pInMsg->hdr.commandID ) { #ifdef ZCL_READ case ZCL_CMD_READ_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInReadRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; #endif #ifdef ZCL_WRITE case ZCL_CMD_WRITE_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInWriteRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; #endif case ZCL_CMD_CONFIG_REPORT: case ZCL_CMD_CONFIG_REPORT_RSP: case ZCL_CMD_READ_REPORT_CFG: case ZCL_CMD_READ_REPORT_CFG_RSP: case ZCL_CMD_REPORT: //bdb_ProcessIncomingReportingMsg( pInMsg ); break; case ZCL_CMD_DEFAULT_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInDefaultRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; #ifdef ZCL_DISCOVER case ZCL_CMD_DISCOVER_CMDS_RECEIVED_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscCmdsRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; case ZCL_CMD_DISCOVER_CMDS_GEN_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscCmdsRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; case ZCL_CMD_DISCOVER_ATTRS_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; case ZCL_CMD_DISCOVER_ATTRS_EXT_RSP: zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsExtRspCmd( pInMsg ); handled = TRUE; break; #endif default: break; } if ( pInMsg->attrCmd ) osal_mem_free( pInMsg->attrCmd ); return handled; } #ifdef ZCL_READ /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessInReadRspCmd * * @brief Process the "Profile" Read Response Command * * @param pInMsg - incoming message to process * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInReadRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { zclReadRspCmd_t *readRspCmd; uint8 i; readRspCmd = (zclReadRspCmd_t *)pInMsg->attrCmd; for (i = 0; i < readRspCmd->numAttr; i++) { // Notify the originator of the results of the original read attributes // attempt and, for each successfull request, the value of the requested // attribute } return ( TRUE ); } #endif // ZCL_READ #ifdef ZCL_WRITE /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessInWriteRspCmd * * @brief Process the "Profile" Write Response Command * * @param pInMsg - incoming message to process * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInWriteRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { zclWriteRspCmd_t *writeRspCmd; uint8 i; writeRspCmd = (zclWriteRspCmd_t *)pInMsg->attrCmd; for ( i = 0; i < writeRspCmd->numAttr; i++ ) { // Notify the device of the results of the its original write attributes // command. } return ( TRUE ); } #endif // ZCL_WRITE /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessInDefaultRspCmd * * @brief Process the "Profile" Default Response Command * * @param pInMsg - incoming message to process * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDefaultRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { // zclDefaultRspCmd_t *defaultRspCmd = (zclDefaultRspCmd_t *)pInMsg->attrCmd; // Device is notified of the Default Response command. (void)pInMsg; return ( TRUE ); } #ifdef ZCL_DISCOVER /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscCmdsRspCmd * * @brief Process the Discover Commands Response Command * * @param pInMsg - incoming message to process * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscCmdsRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { zclDiscoverCmdsCmdRsp_t *discoverRspCmd; uint8 i; discoverRspCmd = (zclDiscoverCmdsCmdRsp_t *)pInMsg->attrCmd; for ( i = 0; i < discoverRspCmd->numCmd; i++ ) { // Device is notified of the result of its attribute discovery command. } return ( TRUE ); } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsRspCmd * * @brief Process the "Profile" Discover Attributes Response Command * * @param pInMsg - incoming message to process * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { zclDiscoverAttrsRspCmd_t *discoverRspCmd; uint8 i; discoverRspCmd = (zclDiscoverAttrsRspCmd_t *)pInMsg->attrCmd; for ( i = 0; i < discoverRspCmd->numAttr; i++ ) { // Device is notified of the result of its attribute discovery command. } return ( TRUE ); } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsExtRspCmd * * @brief Process the "Profile" Discover Attributes Extended Response Command * * @param pInMsg - incoming message to process * * @return none */ static uint8 zclGenericApp_ProcessInDiscAttrsExtRspCmd( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg ) { zclDiscoverAttrsExtRsp_t *discoverRspCmd; uint8 i; discoverRspCmd = (zclDiscoverAttrsExtRsp_t *)pInMsg->attrCmd; for ( i = 0; i < discoverRspCmd->numAttr; i++ ) { // Device is notified of the result of its attribute discovery command. } return ( TRUE ); } #endif // ZCL_DISCOVER /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_changeKeyCallback * * @brief Key event handler function * * @param keysPressed - ignored * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_changeKeyCallback(uint8_t keysPressed) { keys = keysPressed; events |= GENERICAPP_KEY_EVT; // Wake up the application thread when it waits for clock event Semaphore_post(sem); } /********************************************************************* * @fn zclGenericApp_changeKeyCallback * * @brief Key event handler function * * @param keysPressed - ignored * * @return none */ static void zclGenericApp_processKey(uint8 keysPressed) { zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq_t zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq; //Button 1 if(keysPressed == KEY_LEFT) { if(ZG_BUILD_COORDINATOR_TYPE && ZG_DEVICE_COORDINATOR_TYPE) { zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq.commissioning_mode = BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_FORMATION | BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_STEERING | BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_FINDING_BINDING; Zstackapi_bdbStartCommissioningReq(zclGenericApp_Entity,&zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq); } else if (ZG_BUILD_JOINING_TYPE && ZG_DEVICE_JOINING_TYPE) { zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq.commissioning_mode = BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_STEERING | BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_FINDING_BINDING; Zstackapi_bdbStartCommissioningReq(zclGenericApp_Entity,&zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq); } } //Button 2 if(keysPressed == KEY_RIGHT) { Zstackapi_bdbResetLocalActionReq(zclGenericApp_Entity); } }