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I recently learned that in order to adapt to the wireless network transmission of the human body, IEEE engineers have introduced relevant protocol standards for body area network (BAN). I would like to ask if TI has a chip that supports the relevant agreement. I am taking over a related application. The Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) protocol is used to implement certain functional projects, so I would like to know if there are related chips for sale. This will be very helpful to me. I hope that people who see this problem can help. Thank you for your browsing
The feedback:
802.15.6 is not something we have looked into in much details and it is my understanding that it covers a wide ranges of frequencies, data rates etc.
It might be that some of our devices can support some PHY's but then you need to specify exactly what you are looking for, and we can then look into if this is something we can support.
There are, however, no immediate plans to add support for this on any of our devices.