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你好,我目前使用HomeAutomation中的例程已实现绑定,绑定后通过按键可控制目标设备LED翻转,但在绑定表里的所有设备的LED都会翻转。所以请教下如何通过zclGeneral_SendOnOff_CmdToggle( SAMPLESW_ENDPOINT, &zclSampleSw_DstAddr, false, 0)或者zcl_SendCommand()实现控制绑定表中的任一设备。比如我设置绑定表最大为4。我现在想控制表中的第二个设备翻转,该怎么操作。
Dear TI engineer:
Now,I'm studying "HomeAutomation" and I have binded 2 Light devices to the Switch device.And when I push SW1,which will call zclGeneral_SendOnOff_CmdToggle( SAMPLESW_ENDPOINT, &zclSampleSw_DstAddr, false, 0),the LED of 2 Light devices will toggle.So I wanna to know How to Control someone Light Device toggle rather than All The Devices by using zclGeneral_SendOnOff_CmdToggle() or zcl_SendCommand() or some other methods.
Thanks in advance!