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Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_A" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CYP_"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_B" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY00"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_C" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY01"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_D" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY02"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_E" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY03"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_F" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY04"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_G" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY05"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_H" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY06"
Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_841_I" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CY07"
Component "TMS320C6678_CYP_841" renamed to "TMS320C6678_CYP_"
Ultra Librarian Lite 5.3.409 Process Report
TextStyle count: 25
Padstack count: 1
Pattern count: 1
Symbol count: 9
Component count: 1
Warning: Symbol "TMS320C6678_CYP_" attribute "DESCRIPTION" references missing text style ""
楼主您好,我的Altium Designer Release 可能没安装完整,找不到那个 UL_Import.PrjScr脚本文件,你能把这个脚本文件上传一下吗,或是发我邮箱,谢谢!
I had the same problelm when i tried to convert the RM48L952ZWT.
And I just find out that being a Ultra Librarian version issue.
when I use v5.3.409 I met the "Unexpected symbol : ." error, just now, after i updated to the latest version of v5.3.478, the conversion finished smoothly...
So I compared the two YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.txt files, and we can see the differences are the negative numbers: the lateset version use "0-num" instead of "-num" for better compatibility, and we can notice that in the yellow-highlighted line the "-0.xx" was being presented by "-.xx" which I believe was the cause of this error "Unexpected symbol : ."