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为什么我照着芯片手册上推荐的应用电路图搭建电路还是无法实现功能呢(INA321 ECG应用),非常郁闷

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA321

NA321的figure9   有人用过吗  真的可以实现吗   为什么我一直都没有实现放大?

  • 别急,原理没问题。你现在的问题是设么?为啥认为没放大?


    Medical ECG Applications
    Figure 9 shows the INA321 configured to serve as a low-cost ECG amplifier, suitable for moderate accuracy heart-rate applications such as fitness equipment. The input signals are obtained from the left and right arms of the patient. The common-mode voltage is set by two 2MΩ resistors. This potential, through a buffer, provides an optional right leg drive. Filtering can be modified to suit application needs by changing the capacitor value of the output filter.

    这个参考电路, 应该还有不少细节没有说到.

  • 我就是完全按照这个图来搭的电路,元器件什么的都是一样的,可是只要一接上示波器,就是满屏的50Hz,根本看不到一点有效信号 不知道原因到底是为什么?  他们好多人说这个电路图是做不出来的,只是提示了原理    是这样吗