people counting不使用GUI設定參數


  原本people counting相關參數設定需透過GUI端進行設定



   目前找到有部份參數設定是在cli.c檔,請問還有哪些檔案需要修改? 是否有參考範例或資料?


  • 请参考下面的 Hard Coded Config for mmWave SDK Demo
  • 你好,經參考相關作法已將cli.c檔修改,但直接將EVM接上電源仍無法啟動,需要透過gui按下start才能運作,想請問是哪裡的問題?


    *************************** Hard-coded Configuation **********************


    int32_t hardCodedConfigIndex;

    char * hardCodedConfigCommands[] =

    "dfeDataOutputMode 1",
    "channelCfg 15 3 0",
    "adcCfg 2 1",
    "adcbufCfg 0 1 1 1",
    "profileCfg 0 77 30 7 62 0 0 60 1 128 2500 0 0 30",
    "chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1",
    "chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2",
    "frameCfg 0 1 128 0 50 1 0",
    "lowPower 0 1",
    "guiMonitor 1 1 0 0",
    "cfarCfg 6 4 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 50 62 0",
    "doaCfg 600 1875 30 1",
    "SceneryParam -6 6 0.05 6",
    "GatingParam 4 3 2 0",
    "StateParam 10 5 10 100 5",
    "AllocationParam 450 0.01 25 1 2",
    "VariationParam 0.289 0.289 1.0",
    "PointCloudEn 1",
    "trackingCfg 1 2 250 20 200 50 90",


    *************************** Global Variables *****************************

    * @brief Global variable which tracks the CLI MCB

    **************************** CLI Functions *******************************

    * @b Description
    * @n
    * The function is the HELP generated by the CLI Module
    * @retval
    * Not Applicable.
    static int32_t CLI_help (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
    uint32_t index;

    /* Display the banner: */
    CLI_write ("Help: This will display the usage of the CLI commands\n");
    CLI_write ("Command: Help Description\n");

    /* Cycle through all the registered CLI commands: */
    for (index = 0; index < gCLI.numCLICommands; index++)
    /* Display the help string*/
    CLI_write ("%s: %s\n",
    (gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[index].helpString == NULL) ?
    "No help available" :

    /* Is the mmWave Extension enabled? */
    if (gCLI.cfg.enableMMWaveExtension == 1U)
    /* YES: Pass the control to the extension help handler. */
    CLI_MMWaveExtensionHelp ();
    return 0;

    * @b Description
    * @n
    * This is the CLI Execution Task
    * @retval
    * Not Applicable.
    static void CLI_task(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    uint8_t cmdString[256];
    char* tokenizedArgs[CLI_MAX_ARGS];
    char* ptrCLICommand;
    char delimitter[] = " \r\n";
    uint32_t argIndex;
    CLI_CmdTableEntry* ptrCLICommandEntry;
    int32_t cliStatus;
    uint32_t index;

    /* Do we have a banner to be displayed? */
    if (gCLI.cfg.cliBanner != NULL)
    /* YES: Display the banner */
    CLI_write (gCLI.cfg.cliBanner);

    hardCodedConfigIndex = 0;
    CLI_write ("Wait some time for system to initialize...\n");
    CLI_write ("Performing hard-coded config\n");

    /* Loop around forever: */
    while (1)
    /* Demo Prompt: */
    CLI_write (gCLI.cfg.cliPrompt);

    /* Reset the command string: */
    memset ((void *)&cmdString[0], 0, sizeof(cmdString));

    /* Run hard-coded commands, one at a time until '!!!END_OF_HARD_CODED_COMMANDS' is reached: */
    if (hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex][0] != '!')
    //CLI_write (hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex]);
    CLI_write ("Command\n");
    memcpy((void *)&cmdString[0], (void *)hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex], strlen(hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex]));
    /* Accept commands from UART after all hard-coded commands done: */
    /* Read the command message from the UART: */
    UART_read (gCLI.cfg.cliUartHandle, &cmdString[0], (sizeof(cmdString) - 1));

    /* Read the command message from the UART: */
    UART_read (gCLI.cfg.cliUartHandle, &cmdString[0], (sizeof(cmdString) - 1));

    /* Reset all the tokenized arguments: */
    memset ((void *)&tokenizedArgs, 0, sizeof(tokenizedArgs));
    argIndex = 0;
    ptrCLICommand = (char*)&cmdString[0];

    /* comment lines found - ignore the whole line*/
    if (cmdString[0]=='%') {
    CLI_write ("Skipped\n");

    /* Set the CLI status: */
    cliStatus = -1;

    /* The command has been entered we now tokenize the command message */
    while (1)
    /* Tokenize the arguments: */
    tokenizedArgs[argIndex] = strtok(ptrCLICommand, delimitter);
    if (tokenizedArgs[argIndex] == NULL)

    /* Increment the argument index: */
    if (argIndex >= CLI_MAX_ARGS)

    /* Reset the command string */
    ptrCLICommand = NULL;

    /* Were we able to tokenize the CLI command? */
    if (argIndex == 0)

    /* Cycle through all the registered CLI commands: */
    for (index = 0; index < gCLI.numCLICommands; index++)
    ptrCLICommandEntry = &gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[index];

    /* Do we have a match? */
    if (strcmp(ptrCLICommandEntry->cmd, tokenizedArgs[0]) == 0)
    /* YES: Pass this to the CLI registered function */
    cliStatus = ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn (argIndex, tokenizedArgs);
    if (cliStatus == 0)
    CLI_write ("Done\n");
    CLI_write ("Error %d\n", cliStatus);

    /* Did we get a matching CLI command? */
    if (index == gCLI.numCLICommands)
    /* NO matching command found. Is the mmWave extension enabled? */
    if (gCLI.cfg.enableMMWaveExtension == 1U)
    /* Yes: Pass this to the mmWave extension handler */
    cliStatus = CLI_MMWaveExtensionHandler (argIndex, tokenizedArgs);

    /* Was the CLI command found? */
    if (cliStatus == -1)
    /* No: The command was still not found */
    CLI_write ("'%s' is not recognized as a CLI command\n", tokenizedArgs[0]);

    * @b Description
    * @n
    * Logging function which can log the messages to the CLI console
    * @param[in] format
    * Format string
    * @retval
    * Not Applicable.
    void CLI_write (const char* format, ...)
    va_list arg;
    char logMessage[256];
    int32_t sizeMessage;

    /* Format the message: */
    va_start (arg, format);
    sizeMessage = vsnprintf (&logMessage[0], sizeof(logMessage), format, arg);
    va_end (arg);

    /* Log the message on the UART CLI console: */
    if (gCLI.cfg.usePolledMode == true)
    /* Polled mode: */
    UART_writePolling (gCLI.cfg.cliUartHandle, (uint8_t*)&logMessage[0], sizeMessage);
    /* Blocking Mode: */
    UART_write (gCLI.cfg.cliUartHandle, (uint8_t*)&logMessage[0], sizeMessage);

    * @b Description
    * @n
    * This is the function which is used to initialize and setup the CLI
    * @param[in] ptrCLICfg
    * Pointer to the CLI configuration
    * @retval
    * Success - 0
    * @retval
    * Error - <0
    int32_t CLI_open (CLI_Cfg* ptrCLICfg)
    Task_Params taskParams;
    uint32_t index;

    /* Sanity Check: Validate the arguments */
    if (ptrCLICfg == NULL)
    return -1;

    /* Initialize the CLI MCB: */
    memset ((void*)&gCLI, 0, sizeof(CLI_MCB));

    /* Copy over the configuration: */
    memcpy ((void *)&gCLI.cfg, (void *)ptrCLICfg, sizeof(CLI_Cfg));

    /* Cycle through and determine the number of supported CLI commands: */
    for (index = 0; index < CLI_MAX_CMD; index++)
    /* Do we have a valid entry? */
    if (gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[index].cmd == NULL)
    /* NO: This is the last entry */
    /* YES: Increment the number of CLI commands */
    gCLI.numCLICommands = gCLI.numCLICommands + 1;

    /* Is the mmWave Extension enabled? */
    if (gCLI.cfg.enableMMWaveExtension == 1U)
    /* YES: Initialize the CLI Extension: */
    if (CLI_MMWaveExtensionInit (ptrCLICfg) < 0)
    return -1;

    /* Do we have a CLI Prompt specified? */
    if (gCLI.cfg.cliPrompt == NULL)
    gCLI.cfg.cliPrompt = "CLI:/>";

    /* The CLI provides a help command by default:
    * - Since we are adding this at the end of the table; a user of this module can also
    * override this to provide its own implementation. */
    gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[gCLI.numCLICommands].cmd = "help";
    gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[gCLI.numCLICommands].helpString = NULL;
    gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[gCLI.numCLICommands].cmdHandlerFxn = CLI_help;

    /* Increment the number of CLI commands: */

    /* Initialize the task parameters and launch the CLI Task: */
    taskParams.priority = gCLI.cfg.taskPriority;
    taskParams.stackSize = 4*1024;
    gCLI.*** = Task_create(CLI_task, &taskParams, NULL);
    return 0;

    * @b Description
    * @n
    * This is the function which is used to close the CLI module
    * @retval
    * Success - 0
    * @retval
    * Error - <0
    int32_t CLI_close (void)
    /* Shutdown the CLI Task */

    /* Cleanup the memory */
    memset ((void*)&gCLI, 0, sizeof(CLI_MCB));
    return 0;