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3104 HPROUT HPLOUT 输出声音较小 请大神看看

{1, 0x80},
{102, 0xc2}, //c2
{3, 0x81},
{4, 0x20},
{5, 0x0},
{6, 0x0},
{7, 0x8a},
{8, 0x34},
{9, 0x07},

//{10, 0x01}, //offect
{11, 0x01},
{12, 0xff}, // dac 0xf0
{15, 0x00}, //00
{16, 0x00}, //00
{17, 0x0f}, //IN2l enable
{18, 0xf0}, //IN2r LINE2 enable

{19, 0x04}, // MIC1LP/LINE1LP配置为单端模式 1:左ADC通道上电
{21, 0x78},
{22, 0x04}, //0:MIC1RP/LINE1RP配置为单端模式. 1:右ADC通道上电.
{23, 0x78},
{24, 0x78},

{25, 0x40}, //00 micbias=2v 00

{26, 0x00}, //00 adc 00ff Left AGC is enabled

//{27, 0x00}, //fe adc off
{28, 0x00}, //00
{29, 0x00}, //00 adc off

//{30, 0x00}, //fe
{31, 0x00}, //00

{32, 0x00},
{33, 0x00},

//{25, 0x40}, //00 micbias=2v 00
//agc未使能 26-36

{37, 0xc0}, //DAC 的电源和输出驱动器控制寄存器
{38, 0x06},

{40, 0xc0},
//{41, 0x01},
{41, 0x00}, //DAC Output Switching Control Register //inl 2 adc1l , inr 2 adc1r, left adc volume and rigth adc volume have independent controle
//dac path
{42, 0xa8},
{43, 0x00},
{44, 0x00},

{46, 0x80}, //00 //PGA_L to HPLOUT
{47, 0x80}, //80 DAC_L1 到HPLOUT
{51, 0x0d}, // HPLOUT 输出电平控制寄存器

{53, 0x80}, //PGA_L to HPLCOM
{54, 0x80}, // DAC_L1 到HPLCOM
{58, 0x0d},
{56, 0x80}, //PGA_R to HPLCOM Volume Control Register
{57, 0x80}, //DAC_R1 to HPLCOM Volume Control Register
//{60, 0x80}, //PGA_L to HPROUT Volume Control Register
//{61, 0x80}, //DAC_L1 to HPROUT Volume Control Register

{63, 0x80}, //PGA_R to HPROUT Volume Control Register
{64, 0x80}, // DAC_R1 到HPROUT 音量控制寄存器
{65, 0x0d}, //HPROUT 输出电平控制寄存器

{70, 0x80}, //PGA_R 到HPRCOM 音量控制寄存器
{71, 0x80}, //DAC_R1 到HPRCOM
{72, 0x0d}, // :HPRCOM 输出电平控制寄存器

{81, 0x80}, //PGA_L 到LEFT_LOP / 音量控制寄存器
//{82, 0x80}, //80
//{84, 0x80},
{86, 0x09}, //LEFT_LOP / M

//{88, 0x80},
{91, 0x80},
//{92, 0x80}, //80
{93, 0x09}, //0b

芯片是单端输入 由另一块芯片提供时钟 WCLK  BCLK 都正确 但是输出的声音较小

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。