Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828, LMX2594
JMODE1,ILA观测到sync信号拉低,但是xillnx IP核tdata没有数据输入(K28.5),当我ADC 203 寄存器置为0时,IP核仍然无K28.5 输入,即JSYNC_N =0,FPGA为420T,由LMK04828输出refclk和FPGA的参考时钟,LMK 连接LMX2594,输出ADC设备时钟和参考时钟,示波器观测都有产生时钟信号,这是ILA捕捉的信号
assign cfg_mem[ 0] = { 15'h0000,8'hB0 };//reset
assign cfg_mem[ 1] = { 15'h0200,8'h00 };//Program JESD_EN=0 to stop the JESD204B state machine and allow setting changes.
assign cfg_mem[ 2] = { 15'h0061,8'h00 };//Program CAL_EN=0 to stop the calibration state machine and allow setting changes
assign cfg_mem[ 3] = { 15'h0201,8'h01 };//Program desired JMODE. JMODE=1
assign cfg_mem[ 4] = { 15'h0202,8'h1F };//Program desired KM1 value. KM1 = K-1
assign cfg_mem[ 5] = { 15'h0030,8'hFF };//1000mVpp
assign cfg_mem[ 6] = { 15'h0031,8'hFF };
assign cfg_mem[ 7] = { 15'h0032,8'hFF };//1000mVpp
assign cfg_mem[ 8] = { 15'h0033,8'hFF };
assign cfg_mem[ 9] = { 15'h0204,8'h02 };//Program SYNC_SEL as needed. Choose SYNCSE or Timestamp differential inputs and SCR.//SYNC_SEL =1 TMSTP
assign cfg_mem[ 10] = { 15'h0203,8'h00 };//
assign cfg_mem[ 11] = { 15'h0205,8'h00 };//// NORMAL 0: Test mode d
assign cfg_mem[ 12] = { 15'h0213,8'h07 };// Enable overrange, set overrange holdoff to max period 8*2^7 = 1024 samples 8*2^7 = 1024
assign cfg_mem[ 13] = { 15'h0048,8'h03 };// Set serializer pre-emphasis to 3
//assign cfg_mem[ 14] = { 15'h0060,8'h01 };// Input Mux Control Register 01:single input A ;02 single input B
assign cfg_mem[ 14] = { 15'h0029,8'h30 };
assign cfg_mem[ 15] = { 15'h0029,8'h70 };
assign cfg_mem[ 16] = { 15'h0029,8'h73 };
assign cfg_mem[ 17] = { 15'h0061,8'h01 };//Program CAL_EN=1 to enable the calibration state machine.
assign cfg_mem[ 18] = { 15'h0200,8'h01 };// Program JESD_EN=1 to re-start the JESD204B state machine and allow the link to re-start
assign cfg_mem[ 19] = { 15'h006C,8'h00 };//Set CAL_SOFT_TRIG low to reset calibration state machine
assign cfg_mem[ 20] = { 15'h006C,8'h01 };//Set CAL_SOFT_TRIG high to enable calibration
assign cfg_mem[ 21] = { 15'h02C0,8'h00 };
assign cfg_mem[ 22] = { 15'h02C2,8'h00 };
assign cfg_mem[ 23] = { 15'h02C1,8'h1F }