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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1110

ADS1110 是TI推出的16位AD器件,是为了将低功耗与空间作为首要考虑因素的高精度测量系统设计的




# include<pic.h>
# define uch unsigned char
# define unint unsigned int
# define SDA  RD1
# define SCL  RD0
uch ACK;
unint j;
void delay()            //延时
for(j=5535;--j;) continue;
void start (void)       //开始

void stop(void)             //结束
    uch  check(void)    //  检查应答信号
        if (SDA )
            ACK = 1;
            ACK = 0;
      void sendBYTE(uch data)   //  发送一个字节
     uch bitcount=8;               //发送8位

            TRISD1=0;            //置输出
                 SDA=1;         //写 1
                 SDA=0;        //写 0
            SCL=0;              //在时钟大于4u秒期间写数据
          } while(bitcount);
           TRISD1=1 ;                  //释放总线等待应答

uch reciveBYTE(void)             //接受一个字节
    uch temp1=0;
    uch bitcount1=8;
    TRISD1=1;               //置输入
   { SCL=0;              //在时钟大于4u秒期间读数据
    if(SDA)                //读 1
    else                     //读 0
   void ack(void)          //  发送连续读信号
  void nack(void)        //  发送不连续读信号
   void wrtoIIC(uch data)     //写器件地址和配置字


     start();               //开始写
     sendBYTE(0x90);         //写器件地址(写)
        }while(check());       //等待应答
         sendBYTE(data);      //写配置字
     stop();            //结束写

   void rdfromIIC(void)       //从ADS1100中读出数据

     start();                  //开始读
     sendBYTE(0x91);           //写器件地址(读)
         }while(check());      //等待应答
      TMR1H=reciveBYTE();     // 读高8位
       ack();                  //连续读
      TMR1L=reciveBYTE();     //读低8位
      ack();                  //连续读
      TMR2=reciveBYTE();      //读配置字
      stop();                  //结束读
  //    delay();


     wrtoIIC( 0x8c);