

  • Hi,

    请问您这边申请的邮箱账号是什么?如若MyTI Company Account 已经注册成功烦请查看以下链接提交TI Store API Suite request. 


  • liyansong_yqwl@faw.com.cn这是我注册的公司账号,在My profile and settings里没有api申请的入口给我

  • 可能是你的账户没有设置成admin role, 可以参考以下步骤在mange user 界面更改成Administrator role.

    1. Log in to your myTI company account dashboard.
    2. Under Account Settings, click Manage Users.
    3. From the Manage Your Team page, locate the user whose role you wish to update and select the Administrator role for them from the drop-down menu in the Role column.
    4. Within the pop-up window, click Continue to verify this user’s updated role.

    The user to whom you are assigning the administrator role will receive an email with the subject line, “You are now the administrator of a myTI company account.” To accept the invitation, they must click the button in that email to accept the terms and conditions within 14 days.

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。