TI-API: 订单API下单失败,API响应422

Part Number: TI-API

Hi ti team



"order": {
"checkoutProfileId": "E83B5171C600F656E0538620BB8BXXXX",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "958419",
"endCustomerCompanyName": "AZTECH DG",
"expediteShipping": false,
"customerOrderComments": [
"message": "my first order"
"lineItems": [
"customerLineItemNumber": 1,
"tiPartNumber": "SN74LVC3G17DCUR",
"customerPartNumber": "IMS-UC00108-AP",
"customReelIndicator": false,
"quantity": 3000,
"customerItemComments": [
"message": "my first order"

"orderInfo": {
"orderNumber": "",
"cartID": "C326988404",
"checkoutProfileId": "E83B5171C600F656E0538620BB8B8AC4",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"orderDate": "2022-09-13T20:42:52Z",
"orderEntry": "API",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "958419",
"orderStatus": "",
"orderedBy": "YU QIONG ZHANG",
"endCustomerCompanyName": "AZTECH DG",
"application": "Portable electronics",
"endEquipment": "Dashboard camera",
"intendedForMilitary": "No",
"isProductionOrder": true,
"totalOrderSummary": {
"subTotal": 396.0,
"estimatedDiscountAmount": 0.0,
"estimatedShippingCost": 101.0,
"estimatedTaxes": 0.0,
"orderTotal": 497.0
"discounts": null,
"lineItems": [
"tiLineItemNumber": "0",
"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
"tiPartNumber": "SN74LVC3G17DCUR",
"customerPartNumber": "IMS-UC00108-AP",
"tiPartDescription": "3-ch, 1.65-V to 5.5-V buffers with Schmitt-Trigger inputs",
"partType": "IC",
"htsCode": "",
"coCode": "",
"quantity": 3000,
"shippedQuantity": 0,
"unitPrice": 0.132,
"netPrice": 396.0,
"dateCode": null,
"batchCode": null,
"status": "",
"fees": null,
"discounts": null,
"packageInformation": {
"carrier": "LARGE T&R",
"delivery": [
"type": "Full reel",
"quantity": 3000
"waiverAvailable": "false",
"trackingAndShipping": [
"shippingFreightAccount": "TI",
"trackingNumbers": [
"shippingFromCountryCode": "Shenzhen",
"serviceLevel": "International economy",
"shipDate": null,
"masterTracking": null,
"leg1Carrier": null,
"leg1Tracking": null,
"leg1TrackingURL": null,
"leg2Carrier": null,
"leg2Tracking": null,
"leg2TrackingURL": null
"invoices": [],
"creditMemo": null
"customerItemComments": null,
"notifications": []
"shippingAddress": {
"firstName": "HON MAN",
"lastName": "CHIU",
"company": "AZTECH SYSTEMS(HK) LTD",
"addressLine1": "Room 23, 13/F., Wah Yiu Industrial ",
"addressLine2": "30-32 Au Pui Wan Street, Fotan,Shat",
"city": "Hong Kong",
"stateRegion": "NEW TERRITORIES",
"postalCode": "852000",
"regionCode": "HK",
"region": "Hong Kong",
"email": "animy.zhang@aztech.com",
"phoneNumber": "2655 8932",
"companyUrl": "WWW.AZTECH.COM"
"billingAddress": {
"firstName": "HON MAN",
"lastName": "CHIU",
"company": "AZTECH SYSTEMS(HK) LTD",
"addressLine1": "Room 23, 13/F., Wah Yiu Industrial ",
"addressLine2": "30-32 Au Pui Wan Street, Fotan,Shat",
"city": "Hong Kong",
"stateRegion": "NEW TERRITORIES",
"postalCode": "852000",
"regionCode": "HK",
"region": "Hong Kong",
"email": "animy.zhang@aztech.com",
"phoneNumber": "2655 8932",
"companyUrl": "WWW.AZTECH.COM"
"payment": {
"type": null,
"method": null,
"bankTranferApproverEmail": null
"taxInfo": {
"taxExemption": false
"vatDetails": [],
"orderComments": [
"message": "my first order"
"notifications": []
"errors": [
"errorCode": "ERR-TICOM-ORDER-API-0009",
"type": "Validation",
"section": "Generic",
"field": null,
"reason": "Invalid Line of Credit. ",
"message": "Check your line of credit information and provide the correct information and resubmit the request.",
"data": null

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。