TI-API: 关于库存订阅API,需要配置后台回调地址的设置

Part Number: TI-API

Hello TI experts

We applied for an enterprise account and opened API permissions. Then test the Inventory Subscription API ( https://api-portal.ti.com/inventory-subscription-push-api ). It needs to be configured in the following interface

Inventory Subscription API

Inventory Subscription API settings 

Question 1: What is the user password for authentication in the interface? What are the API parameters? I don't seem to see the explanation.
Question 2: I have defined the username and password myself. After the API parameters are left blank, the prompt ""

Access Denied

You don't have permission to access " ">www.ti.com/.../apiSettings" on this server."

Excuse me, where is the problem?

  • Hi Andy,

    此处是填写用于 PUSH API的信息。你需要在此处留下您的API端口的验证方式和验证信息。以便Ti通过您的API端口,向您推送订阅信息。

  • Hi Richard;


    2)另外为什么保存的时候会提示“Access Denied”? 申请的API权限本身是通过了。

  • Hi Andy,

    1. 端口的验证方式由您自行设置,设置中的身份验证类型选择与之匹配项即可。
    2. 我们会在后台查询,是否是您的站点权限不足导致的问题。
  • Hi Andy,


  • 发现是因为回调地址,用的是IP,不是域名。才提示了“Access Denied”。改成域名就可以了

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。