(+V3.3A-Always +V3.3S- System power +V5S- System power +V5S_HDMI1 – monitor / System power )
I would like to ask this question because the HDMI screen is powered.
1.+V5S_HDMI1 Powered by the display itself.
- Should I use EN switch enable control for PCA9306 ?
- Or Switch Always Enabled Is there any leakage of power from the monitor to the board when the motherboard is not plugged in?
- HDMI_DDC_CLK /HDMI_DDC_DAT is powered by the display itself.
Should I use the VREE1 and +V3.3A-Always power supplies? If I use +V3.3S-System Power, will the power on the screen leak onto the board?
- Is the PCA9306 suitable for HDMI level shift?