Hercules TRM 声明:
10.4.4 LPOCLKDET Enable The LPO is enabled by default while nPORRST is low. During this time, the current source initializes, holding the relaxation oscillator in reset until initialized. After the current source releases the HF LPO and the LF LPO, these clock frequencies slew to their final frequencies; the final frequency may be achieved while nPORRST is active or after its release. After, nPORRST is released, the HF LPO Valid signal is set 32 HF LPO clock cycles later. The clock detect is enabled once the oscillator and HF LPO are valid. Because an oscillator failure could occur from reset, the clock detect logic must provide an override path. If the HF LPO is valid and the oscillator is not valid, the clock detect circuitry will become active (overriding the oscillator invalid signal) after 16K LF LPO cycles (about 200ms)
但是、如果我将 OSCIN 引脚接地短路、并尝试进行 RST/PORRST/下电上电、MCU 似乎没有启动。
- 在 RST/PORRST 之后的期间/紧接着的期间内、有没有办法来"调试"振荡器和 LPO 的有效性吗?
- 是否需要外部振荡器故障事件来触发切换到 LPO?
- 是否可以在没有外部振荡器的情况下启动(加电后)并运行 Hercules?