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TMS320F28335: MCBSP设置为SPI时,发送数据此寄存器McbspbRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRDY一直为0

Part Number: TMS320F28335


Uint16 Mcbsp_SPI_Byte(Uint16 data)

    // 等待发送寄存器为空
    while(McbspbRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRDY != 1);
    // 向发送寄存器写入数据
    McbspbRegs.DXR1.all = data;

    // 等待接收就绪
    while(McbspbRegs.SPCR1.bit.RRDY != 1);
    return McbspbRegs.DRR1.all;
